the forgotten black bourgeoisie
Baron Samedi says...
Posted by Baron Samedi on February 5 2011 at 5:22 PM
Messages in this topic
I never said Haitians were inferior to ANYONE. You misread my post, and inferred such. Be as it may. > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 1:52 pm
Another thing Petrus: the KKK is a bunch of toothless rednecks who wish the world was the way they'd like it to be. They are a HAS BEEN in America for years. They have NO legitimacy at all. I take exception to you even mentioning me along with that > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 2:15 pm
The KKK is alive and well in the deep south and upper Northeast regions. A parallel group that growing by leaps and bounds is the White Supremacists bikers. > >
Brian Andrew, 13-Feb-11 2:39 pm
Give me a break, "brian." Bikers have no significant role in American life. You are a fake. > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 3:18 pm
Ablerooster, I am confused by your obsession with having Americans occupy Haiti. At first I thought you were just someone who did not understand the continuous negative impact that American policies have had on Haiti. But that is not the case; becaus > >
Linda, 13-Feb-11 3:33 pm
Hi Baron, Wow, thank so much for that post. There were many specific details in there that I did not have in my information load on Haiti. Thanks again. > >
Linda, 13-Feb-11 3:42 pm
The problem on this blog is that All of You are Completely Ignorant. I will not waste my breath on you loser wannabes again. Solve your own problems, but quit eating my bread! Beyond that, I'm gone! > >
Ablerooster, 13-Feb-11 4:15 pm
Rooster, You know what I meant, why are you playing dumb? The White Supremacists trade marks are bald headed, black leather jackets with different sorts of emblems on back of the jacket and a certain trademark bike. I know who some of them are and w > >
Brian Andrew, 13-Feb-11 5:27 pm
I swear to my life and my gods, if I do not make you feel sorry for your ignorance, I will kill myself. I am going to teach you a lesson and you will never mess with Haitians. I have the capability to do so and you will feel that power soon. Unless y > >
Petrus, 13-Feb-11 6:51 pm
I don't know why Haitians keep wasting their time on a jack ass like you! > >
James L, 13-Feb-11 6:53 pm