Gays are gay because scientists made them become gays and your
Gays are gay because scientists made them become gays and your way of thinking is American period but you cannot impose it on us. No one was born gay and no one has chosen to be gay. I cannot hate gay but I hate scientists for making us sleep with our own sex gender to decrease the world population.
They made humans sleep with animals too. Scientists are the threat to our mankind civilization and not the homosexuals.
The latter are the victims of scientific advancements with genes and the DNA's discovery.
Many homosexuals are good loving people who want to have children but with 100% of chromosomes of their sex gender they cannot have children on their own. The only proof I need is to prove that homosexual is natural by helping them reproduce on their own. If they cannot reproduce on their own, homosexual cannot be natural.
Like God, I do not hate sinners but I hate the sin. Scientists create that sin and we must stop it from being spread in Haiti.
Scientists should let people live and reproduce naturally and there is no God to give scientists the power to control the world population as they saw fit them. All countries around the world should shield themselves to control all vaccines coming from the G-8 countries for anti-chromosome genes and other genetic diseases.
Many white scientists are evil and this is the kind of evilness that we need to fight to save the world and we can do that. Many conservative children will be gays in a near future so homosexuality can be tolerated and accepted by them. Liza Cheney is a vibrant example of the power capability of white scientist doctors running our hospitals.
In Haiti, some Haitian parents are telling me that they are ready to kill any delivery doctors through Voodoo if their children turn to gay in the future.
I will commend them on doing that for I do not want Haitian children to be the next victims of this scientific process...
Whether you like it or not, in Haiti we will stop it. It can be done anywhere else but any suspicious doctors will pay the price of such misfortune.
Able, resources are not scarce as scientists want all to believe it. Advanced countries need stop stealing and wasting others' resources for an equitable share of the world resources.
Homosexuality to decrease the world population because resources are scarce is pure lies ok. In Haiti, we will stop it and we will fight it. We have some heterosexuals that are prostituting themselves with U.S. gay agents in the North and South of Haiti to feed themselves, but they said they could stop if the state of Haiti could help them overcome this sin. We will do every thing in our power to help them and we will stop the spread of homosexuality among us...We will get everything from the United States excerpt its gayness ok...They are not born gay but your fellow white scientists discriminating them in turning them into gay...They will be liberated one day for many white scientists are evil...
The topic is: Joel Osteen on CNN: Homosexuality Is a SIN
This is a reply to Msg 26121
Posted by Toulimen on February 1 2011 at 8:38 PM