Toulimen, Think twice before you talk about gays in Haiti...

Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Think twice before you talk about gays in Haiti.

Remember about American occupation?

Well, since than Haiti is like heaven for gays and lesbians, it's a fact Haiti have more lesbians than any other caribbeans countries.

Behind the closets they hide themself specially the fagots, as for the lesbians they are more visible in Haiti, in the 70's lesbians rules Haiti and surfing it like the ocean waves.

As for the upper class, fagots rules with style and still cruising with they life style.

The lower class jamming with it in low profile.

Voodoo priests, Mambos enjoys themselves as well.
Haiti is not innocent at all.

The topic is: Ugandan Gay Rights Activist Is Beaten to Death
This is a reply to Msg 26008
Posted by Jean Pierre Alexandre on January 28 2011 at 8:19 AM

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This not right! It is true that God hates homosexuality, and it is an abomination to Him. It leads to grave harm to the human personality, drug and alcohol addiction, smoking, suicide, and high crime rates. It means going from one gay lover to anoth > >
Brian Sitterley, 27-Jan-11 11:19 pm
We need to stop the spread of it in Haiti. With those foreigners in Haiti, we are exposed to anything and they can achieve their secret agenda to make Haiti become a progressive society like America. A progressive society has no stable laws and the l > >
Toulimen, 28-Jan-11 12:17 am
Toulimen, Think twice before you talk about gays in Haiti. Remember about American occupation? Well,since than Haiti is like heaven for gays and lesbians,it's a fact Haiti have more lesbians than any other caribbeans countries. Behind the closet > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 28-Jan-11 8:19 am
You Haitians have a better idea than I how prevalent this vice is in your counry, but please don't sell out your children to it like so many Europeans and North Americans have done. I think Toulimen is in error that this perversion comes from medici > >
Brian Sitterley, 28-Jan-11 11:13 am
For all those who believe that homosexuality is natural and not a process, they need to think and think again. It is bilogically proven that two heterosexuals cannot give birth to homosexuals and how do people turn into homosexuality in their lives? > >
Toulimen, 28-Jan-11 6:49 pm
You are right but those people are doing it for money, fame and jobs. But the true homosexuals with 100% of male chromosomes aor female chromosomes are not in Haiti yet. We will have them in the next decade or so. The current ones can repent and stop > >
Toulimen, 28-Jan-11 7:14 pm
DUVAVALIER WAS A GOOD PRESIDENT MORE THAN ARISTIDE AND PREVAL he was a clean guy for haiti aritide done more crime than duvalier why people allover the wolrd don't see that even haitian people who live and proverty they do > >
Roosevelt Dor, 28-Jan-11 7:48 pm
That is not what we are discussing now. 90% of Haitians are living below poverty level with less than $2.00 U.S. a day while 50% of Egyptians are living below poverty level. When Duvalier was there it was 80% and after him it became 90% and only 1% o > >
Samba, 28-Jan-11 8:21 pm
Haiti does not have true homosexuals with 100% male and female chromosomes. Haiti has a few female and male prostitutes coming from the diaspora who are trying to make homosexuals becoming a lifestyle. We will hunt them down for we will not let Haiti > >
Pere Lebrum, 29-Jan-11 11:47 am
Can you people put that chromosome word to rest? No, Sir Lebrum, there is no such thing as a 100% homosexual chromosome. Your chromosomes are essentially your genes that your ancestors have passed on to you.Your DNA or chromosomes can be tested to > >
Marjorie Middy, 29-Jan-11 5:32 pm
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