I do not use google scholars myself and I have suggested it to...
Toulimen says...
I do not use google scholars myself and I have suggested it to you if you want to research some topics on your own. The topic of biopower is clear in my mind and I have written two articles on it while I was doing my master degree.
I cannot reveal the contents of this topic for security purposes.
You believe that your life has not been controlled by anyone and no one has control over you or your destiny that is fine and I agree with you Tiba. I used to believe those stuffs 22 years ago because I was brainwashed by both liberal and conservative media.
One of the reasons that forced me 10 years ago to research those topics was the behavior of the African Americans on the East Coast and in Central of U.S. From there, I have come to understand why they are acting the way they are. One of my black fellow research students from Tennessee states to me Toul, listen this: "We are what the U.S. government wants us to be. Our ethnic group suffers more diseases than any other ethnic groups in America and we do not create those diseases and how come they got medicines for all of them and they know how to treat them and he said not cure them. You can understand why we are behaving in certain ways as compared to other foreign blacks.
You must thank God that you were not born here to end his quote."
He had given me formal authorization to quote him in my research papers about African Americans versus other ethnic minorities in the United States.
Tiba, I was like you ten years ago. I never thought scientists created diseases to kill others and I thought before all the diseases came from God. After awhile I said to myself this: Should I go by their standards or should I research stuffs for my own personal knowledge?
That is why I did my master degree in American studies.
This discipline enables me to understand how meaning was formed into any society and it got disseminated through media such as churches, schools, journal communication and press printing to name a few. Through cultural studies, I have studied all kinds of theories on most of the current issues that evolving, developing and least developing societies are experiencing.
You think that I do not know what is biopower and what role does it play in shaping people's lives.
I have suggested you to research that topic for your own knowledge if you want but me this is my field of expertise; therefore, I do not need to research it.
Tiba, I am a member of 5 different universities in the United States and a member of two foreign universities in Toronto and France.
I do not research stuffs on google and I repeat after books and credible experts.
Not all experts are credible, but you have to do deep research to find credible sources and reputable experts.
Let's not waste time on this topic anymore.
May God bless you!
The topic is: Joel Osteen on CNN: Homosexuality Is a SIN
This is a reply to Msg 26000
Posted by Toulimen on January 27 2011 at 4:11 PM