Joel represents the side of christendom that has been getting...
Feetxxxl says...
joel represents the side of christendom that has been getting it wrong for 2000 years.
the new covenant is not a revised old covenant.
the standard of the new covenant is christ's love directed thru the 2nd commandment (love neighbor).
it is this love that says what is the law of the new covenant and what the law says. in no way does being gay come against this love. in fact the fullness of this love is lived out in the lives and marriages of those that are gay in the same way as with those who are heterosexual.
bottom line: the new covenant says over and over that being gay is of god.
The topic is: Joel Osteen on CNN: Homosexuality Is a SIN
This is a reply to Msg 25938
Posted by Feetxxxl on January 26 2011 at 7:17 AM
Messages in this topic
Is being civilized Tiba means to embrace homosexuality as a normal way of life? Is it a natural process? How can people turn themselves into gays? Are they born homosexuals? Can heterosexuals give birth to gay on a biological standpoint? When did hom > >
Toulimen, 25-Jan-11 9:49 am
Thanks for bringing awareness on board and I thought that it was a sin as well as a natural process. I am 27 years old and I don't much about it but now I have learned a lot from you. This blog manager wants to distract us as well as setting aside o > >
Soufrant, 25-Jan-11 11:46 am
Toulimen, You're killing me, man! There is a part in the bible where Jesus and his disciples came upon a man who was born blind, and one of the disciples asked Jesus if the man was born blind as curse in revenge of some wrong doing of his pare > >
Tiba, 25-Jan-11 6:36 pm
Tiba, listen I have not said that homosexual is a process. I quoted Joe Osteen that says it is a process and a sin according to the Judeo-Christianism's scriptures. It is said that homosexuality emerges from acts of wars in the past with the Greek s > >
Toulimen, 25-Jan-11 8:28 pm
Toulimen, you do have a point. Homosexuality is a a conscious choice made by an individual. Nobody is born with a chromosome that is distinctively a Homosexual. Political correctness would have us believe that Homosexuality is innate. The reason is o > >
Marjorie Middy, 25-Jan-11 9:22 pm
Well said, that has to do with biological traits, chromosomes and political correctness too. I support the policy: Live and let others live! The problem I have is this: Who gives scientists the biopower they have over us? In this country, it is hard > >
Toulimen, 25-Jan-11 11:22 pm
Toulimen, I think you hang around too many right wing radical conservatives. These are the people who don't believe hollocost ever happened, climat change, and just 2 days ago Michele Buckman said that there never slavery in the United States, et > >
Tiba, 26-Jan-11 6:33 am
joel represents the side of christendom that has been getting it wrong for 2000 years. the new covenant is not a revised old covenant. the standard of the new covenant is christ's love directed thru the 2nd commandment (love neighbor). it is this l > >
Feetxxxl, 26-Jan-11 7:17 am
Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God Jehovah,so serious, God write with his hand in the ten commandments about it. He destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of it. Science prooved also homosexuality is a sickness as well. Beware of thing > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 26-Jan-11 7:39 am
i see nothing of any understanding of the new covenant. > >
Feetxxxl, 26-Jan-11 8:06 am