Tiba, listen I have not said that homosexual is a process. I...

Toulimen says...

Tiba, listen I have not said that homosexual is a process.

I quoted Joe Osteen that says it is a process and a sin according to the Judeo-Christianism's scriptures.

It is said that homosexuality emerges from acts of wars in the past with the Greek soldiers that could not find women to sleep with and they had raped some males while they were fighting in wars. For the western world, it started with the Greeks and the Near East (Balkan)people.

Moreover, Tiba heterosexual is a natural process and biologically speaking this process is grounded into union of X and Y chromosomes from both parents.

A natural process is long Tiba, the latest survey from the American Health Institute shows that only 3% of Americans are gays, lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, Intersexes and transgenders.

Why do we have a small minority of those people whereas 97% are heterosexuals?

My two last professors of bilogy explain to me that they do not have any theory to justify that homosexual people came from heterosexual parents.

I am looking for answer for that piece.

If you believe that it is a natural process why don't you enlighten me on it?

Have you ever read any of these two books: LeVay, Simon & Hamer Dean H. (1994): Evidence for a Bilogical Influence in Male Homosexuality.

Scientific American 270(5): 44-49; Dr. Gregory Cochran, (July 2005): An Evolutionary Look at Human Homosexuality.

Tiba, all I know homosexuality is unnatural and no one is born homosexual.

If you can teach me this process just let me know my brother.

I know nothing myself and I keep searching the truth at all times.

Please share any knowledge that you have on it with. If it is not a natural process explains it to me. I am open to new ideas and I will integrate it into my research to make others aware of it...

I interviewed gays and lesbians in schools and many of them explain to me that they do not have any gay person in their families and most of them believe that they are victims of scientific advancements.

I have collected money to help genetically reversed this process into two gay males and I have raised 10000 dollars to contribute to doctor fees. In three months, I will attend the wedding of one of them who will marry a beautiful lady from Texas.

If you have a proof telling me that it is natural I will stop helping others turning their lives around.

Have you researched Foucault's views on homosexuality?

Please do so if you are not a liberal person.

I am a centrist person myself and I always espouse both liberal and conservative views.

I do not hate gay but I consider them as victims of science before and after the Creation of the New World in this Western Hemisphere.

You can believe what you want to believe but I have no doubt in my mind that homosexuality is unnatural and it is a process that we have deal with or stop it. It is reversible and I help cured some gay people and I will continue to do so until you prove to me it is natural and I will stop helping.

Take care brother! What do you know about Micky?

I am disappointed in Mirelande and she has not articulated well her agenda over the last election.

I rally my support behind MicKy who seems to represent our generation and the new ones. Take care!

The topic is: Joel Osteen on CNN: Homosexuality Is a SIN
This is a reply to Msg 25954
Posted by Toulimen on January 25 2011 at 8:28 PM

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Is being civilized Tiba means to embrace homosexuality as a normal way of life? Is it a natural process? How can people turn themselves into gays? Are they born homosexuals? Can heterosexuals give birth to gay on a biological standpoint? When did hom > >
Toulimen, 25-Jan-11 9:49 am
Thanks for bringing awareness on board and I thought that it was a sin as well as a natural process. I am 27 years old and I don't much about it but now I have learned a lot from you. This blog manager wants to distract us as well as setting aside o > >
Soufrant, 25-Jan-11 11:46 am
Toulimen, You're killing me, man! There is a part in the bible where Jesus and his disciples came upon a man who was born blind, and one of the disciples asked Jesus if the man was born blind as curse in revenge of some wrong doing of his pare > >
Tiba, 25-Jan-11 6:36 pm
Tiba, listen I have not said that homosexual is a process. I quoted Joe Osteen that says it is a process and a sin according to the Judeo-Christianism's scriptures. It is said that homosexuality emerges from acts of wars in the past with the Greek s > >
Toulimen, 25-Jan-11 8:28 pm
Toulimen, you do have a point. Homosexuality is a a conscious choice made by an individual. Nobody is born with a chromosome that is distinctively a Homosexual. Political correctness would have us believe that Homosexuality is innate. The reason is o > >
Marjorie Middy, 25-Jan-11 9:22 pm
Well said, that has to do with biological traits, chromosomes and political correctness too. I support the policy: Live and let others live! The problem I have is this: Who gives scientists the biopower they have over us? In this country, it is hard > >
Toulimen, 25-Jan-11 11:22 pm
Toulimen, I think you hang around too many right wing radical conservatives. These are the people who don't believe hollocost ever happened, climat change, and just 2 days ago Michele Buckman said that there never slavery in the United States, et > >
Tiba, 26-Jan-11 6:33 am
joel represents the side of christendom that has been getting it wrong for 2000 years. the new covenant is not a revised old covenant. the standard of the new covenant is christ's love directed thru the 2nd commandment (love neighbor). it is this l > >
Feetxxxl, 26-Jan-11 7:17 am
Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God Jehovah,so serious, God write with his hand in the ten commandments about it. He destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of it. Science prooved also homosexuality is a sickness as well. Beware of thing > >
Jean Pierre Alexandre, 26-Jan-11 7:39 am
i see nothing of any understanding of the new covenant. > >
Feetxxxl, 26-Jan-11 8:06 am
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