Haiti - Aristide : His return, an international affair...

Belizaire says...

23/01/2011 15:45:32

The South African Government confirms that high-level negotiations involving Cuba and the U.S. are underway for the return in Haiti of the exiled former President Jean Bertrand Aristide.

The Pretoria government confirms negotiations with the Haitian authorities, with assistance of the Cuban government, since last year for the departure of Aristide.

President Jacob Zuma during his state visit to Cuba last December, met the case of former President Aristide with Cuban officials.

Last year, Maite Nkoana-Mashabane, the Minister of International Relations, revealed that Aristide enjoyed similar advantages that the ministers and that the monthly cost of accommodation including charges, security, transportation and the salaries of its support staff, are supported by the government in Pretoria.

Undoubtedly, the return of Aristide would remove a heavy burden on the taxpayers of South Africa haitilibre.com/article-251-haiti-p... (in fench)

Aristide in a letter, haitilibre.com/en/news-2161-haiti-... expressed his desire to return in Haiti.

Officials from the Department of International Relations of the Pretoria Government have had several meetings with Aristide to discuss of his future, most recently, the Friday, January 20, 2011.

His return was delayed because of concerns of the United States, who fear that the former Catholic priest destabilize the country [Haiti]...

South African officials must to meet soon with their U.S. counterparts to try to convince them that Aristide is no longer a threat...

Former President Aristide has assured us that he was not seeking to make policy, that he does not want to stand for election and that he want to play a role in humanitarian aid for his country reported Ayanda Ntsaluba, Director General of the Ministry.

This senior official, confirmed that talks are continuing, but he would not say that countries are helping in the return of Aristide in Haiti...

"Some major powers still have reservations" These talks also cover "the logistical issues" around the return of Aristide, still popular among Haiti's poor and its security, which remains a major concern.

Posted by Belizaire on January 23 2011 at 5:31 PM