Restore our honor

well, i hate to be the whistle blower but if you care to listen i would remind President Preval that Haiti is the 2nd
country independant in the american continent and the 1st
black country independant in the world.The army that we had
under Duvalier was working for Washington but we should a
new army to defend our country.

Brazil has their own problems
that they can't even solve, it's about time that we stop asking and begging.Ain't no one is going to fight our battle
Dessalines gave our home and we decide to hand it over back
to the Europeans by begging them for everything.Our leaders
don't even see themself as haitians, they dream to be French, americans.

Restore the honor of our country by creating our own armed forces or they will do the same thing that Israel is doing to Palestine.Stop begging