Hi Zac, It's a nice surprise to see that you are still here. I...
Linda says...
Hi Zac, It's a nice surprise to see that you are still here. I only saw Tiba's post. But it is nice to know that you are still here. I came back to this site tonight just because I heard this crazy news about Baby D being back in Haiti.
Our little country is dans un petrin qui'n petris plus (I think that's how you write this, and I don't have accents for this site).
Anyway, you get the gist of what I'm thinking.
The topic is: Baby Doc (Jean-Claude) Duvalier is back! now what?
This is a reply to Msg 25774
Posted by Linda on January 16 2011 at 8:42 PM
Messages in this topic
Hi Linda, I think you might be right, this may all be Preval's doing. But if a civil war break out in Haiti, which seems to be imminent I doubt Preval will be left standing. Either way when the dust settles Preval will either go to prison or exi > >
Zac, 16-Jan-11 8:35 pm
Hi Zac, It's a nice surprise to see that you are still here. I only saw Tiba's post. But it is nice to know that you are still here. I came back to this site tonight just because I heard this crazy news about Baby D being back in Haiti. Our little > >
Linda, 16-Jan-11 8:42 pm
I'm not a regular anymore, I check the site once in a while to see what is being said but i rarely post anything. Like you I came back to night to see what was being said about Duvalier returning to Haiti. It's good know that you're okay. Un > >
Zac, 16-Jan-11 9:08 pm
La Madeleine, France, 17 janvier 2011 Bonjour, A propos du retour en Haiti de Jean-Claude Duvalier L’ex-president-a-vie d’Haiti Jean-Claude Duvalier que des «blageurs» surnommaient «Sa Majeste Bonb-onf-le Plemier» est de retour en Haiti. Dan > >
Henri-claude Saint-fleur, 17-Jan-11 8:16 am