Message For Christmas 2010: I Did The Perfect thing On October 12, 2006

Lavaud Hold Desmoulins says...

My Message for Christmas 2010: I Did The Perfect thing On The Date Of Thursday, October 12, 2006.

I did the perfect thing!

If The government of the City of New York had made it LEGAL for The Desmoulins Family to be robbed and harassed anywhere in New York City, of the State of New York, of the United States of America, I did not do the perfect thing on the date of Thursday, October 12, 2006.

If I am guilty for my action, warning the society menaced after successfully investigating the loss of my money in the closet of my bedroom in New York City, let the King of New York City, lui-meme, state it how I should have done it.

If I am guilty because I did the perfect thing on the date of Thursday, October 12, 2006, and that has caused the mayhem to my people, let me be dragged to the chalet of the King of New York City and let him execute me avec ses propres mains.

Yes, I did the perfect thing!

I am Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a.k.a., The C.R.J.
The Change.

The Right.

The Justice.

Posted by Lavaud Hold Desmoulins on December 15 2010 at 10:23 AM