Preval's second term
I don't want to be a Preval's apologist but we tend to often to ignore what has been done. In the countryside almost everywhere there is electricity.
The roads are being repaired or built.
Security has been brought to an acceptable level.
Investors could forecast implanting in Haiti for the next 25 years or so. But, the latest events have proven whether it is Preval or somebody else, Haitians have no respect for private properties.
This country will go no where without private investments, and with those kind of behaviors people will not invest.
In les Cayes people have destroyed all the public offices that could offer them services.
Notwhithstanding the failures of this government is many instances, I would tend to say that "Preval is the most misunderstood president" everyone need a piece of the cake bringing their hand on the table, while hiding their face so they can claim they were not there.
Our famous Senators and congressmen/women are always blackmailing members of the government to get "projects" But Preval has the ultimate responsibility.
This is a very smart president, full of humanity and pragmatism.
If he did not the way has been governing, The GNBists and the like would have gotten rid of him long ago. Preval is a good guy. Haiti has so much problems to solve that it will be difficult to evaluate any solution.
When Rene Preval will have long gone, historian will surely judge him as an effective, and clairvoyant leader.
Posted by Lavenir Croix on December 12 2010 at 3:16 PM
Mr. Lavenir Croix: With delight, I read your post about President Rene Preval. I am always asking myself why a very few limited amount of ...
Jean Martin Celeste, December 12 2010 · Reply