Yes, This is it... We need a historic revolution to bring...

Montresor 2011 says...


This is it...

We need a historic revolution to bring change in Haiti.

I will not fool myself and I will not go before fools in Haitian government either.

I choose the rout as a leader because I understood Haitian politics is a chien mange les chiens...

I can guaranty you that all of those candidates on the list will not do anything for Haiti.

I will only trust the dogs that I trained and even at that I will be careful and make sure the dogs are not retards.

Does the Diaspora care about Haiti?

Is the Diasporas the same as the Haitian government?

Does the Diasporas only care about themselves?

Does Haitian Diasporas love Haiti or just the food and music?

Sispann pale met la, the time is now for us to stand and save Haiti.

I am No11 by Goly destiny!

No11 was not given to me by anyone, but God. Do you understand?


The topic is: No Transcendental Leaders In Haiti's Upcoming Elections
This is a reply to Msg 24884
Posted by Montresor 2011 on November 10 2010 at 3:43 PM

Messages in this topic

Montresor se yon bayakou e li vle esklavaj retounen nan peyi a. Se li ak misyone Meriken yo kap fe siveye rapote kont pep la pou kras manje ak de twa gren biye vet. Se tris e lap ranpe pou li we si li ka vini prezidan. Yon sel bout papye setifika ke > >
San Pran Souf, 10-Nov-10 3:29 pm
Yes, This is it... We need a historic revolution to bring change in Haiti. I will not fool myself and I will not go before fools in Haitian government either. I choose the rout as a leader because I understood Haitian politics is a chien > >
Montresor 2011, 10-Nov-10 3:43 pm
Stanley Lucas was my man but he did not run for president. The guy is competent, charismatic and has an impeccable command of the issues. Pascale > >
Pascale Francois, 10-Nov-10 7:06 pm