Montresor 2011 Is Ready To Go Home And Help. Are You Ready?
Montresor 2011 says...
I need your voice, I need your support, I need you to take a stand.
I can't do it alone
I can't do it without you.
We have a few weeks left to decide our destiny as a nation.
Let's do it together as One nation, Under God!!!
This is our time not only to change Haiti but to also make a difference in the world.
God says Yes!!!
As your future leader I say yes to God's plans for Haiti!
You need to say Yes to God's plans!
Montresor President d' Haiti and I am committed to do it right if you so desires to do it right.
Posted by Montresor 2011 on November 10 2010 at 1:28 PM
Messages in this topic
We do not want any colonizer to be president in Haiti. We want people who can honor and respect our Haitian ancestors. People who are praying other people's ancestors cannot do good for Haiti.They can easily sell this country to imperialistic countr > >
Clear Sky, 10-Nov-10 3:19 pm
Clear Sky, Face it, you face it, we face it, as we all from the Diasporas sleeps, eat and poops in the colonizers lands. Right? And their founder believes in God when they became a nation. You enjoyed their clean waters; clean foods, clean e > >
Montresor 2011, 10-Nov-10 3:35 pm