Charles Henri Baker and the Haitian Slave Mentality

Nadege says...

Posted by Nadege on November 7 2010 at 4:25 PM

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Baker will not be president, for he has no experience in public administration. His party needs to do more in the elections so he could become the new prime minister of Haiti. He is in the race to play the bourgeoisie's cards. Baker and Manigat are > >
Celimene Rodrigue, 11-Nov-10 7:32 am
Your mouth can be shut off with no big effort on my part and you will stop lying. Haiti does not need anymore polluted factories. Haitian masses need to produce goods for themselves and not for foreigners. Baker will give us more pollution like some > >
Jean. E. Pierre Hilaire, 12-Nov-10 6:06 pm
how come you Haitians hate whites a said he's bad but what's your proof.your just blabbing.You need to forget those past events(history) of Haiti,in order to forge ahead.You need whites and blacks with expertise in Haiti.Your country should > >
Chu, 18-Jan-11 3:16 am
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