New Leadership Haiti, Being truthful is a virtue not a right...

Montresor 2011 says...

New Leadership Haiti,

Being truthful is a virtue not a right because you have the right to lie or tell the truth as longest people will buy it from you.

Yes I Montresor is in denial over all the Haitian candidates' proclamation to be visionary leaders of Haiti in 2010. If they are then all of the credits go to me (Montresor) with no exceptions and history will play it out sooner or later...

I am not against WOMEN Becoming President of Haiti and I don't have anything against Manigat or Baker personally but politically I do, because neither one of them did anything for Haiti in the past when they had all opportunities to do so.

What sustainable vision have Manigat, Baker and the rest of them created for Haiti in past?

Please provide us with the past or the last elections visionary plans from all of the candidates including President Preval.

Stop telling us about G20, G8 and all of the Gs etc and start telling us about substances of past and future because Haiti will no longer accept fertilizer as visionary plans.

Stop telling us about CIA, coup d'etats, women or men thing and start telling us about practical encounters of leadership, sure Manigat, Baker, Preval and the others may have hired the whole world 2 work for them, evidently Haiti has nothing to show for it in 2010;Unless we are talking of another country and not Haiti.

From what I can see from all those candidates aren't good at all because prior to my arrival not one of them and you guys talk about "VISION" and I have the last elections to prove it for your recollections.

I listened to all of them from New York to Florida and in Haiti of which I can tell you nothing they've said are original, it is all copies and translated of my IDEAS.

History will judge them for pretending to be something that they are not and never have...

The world will judge them as well because they knew the truth about our history more than those candidates.

The globalize world are having problems themselves and worried about becoming poor, please remember wealth will always shift directions regardless of what you do to keep it and if that's not true you can prove it to the world yourself that I am wrong for saying that.

The USA is in debt for $118 trillion or more dollars and at one point they will have to pay it back and if they have to pay it back today as we speak America will poor just like any other poor nation on earth...

Please explain the meaning of assets and liabilities in your own intelligence to us?

Which candidate is an asset to Haiti?

Which candidate is a Liability to Haiti?

Once you give us the answer to these then we will know who the next Haitian President is.

God bless!!


The topic is: Bush and Bill Clinton In Haiti's Politics By Toulimen
This is a reply to Msg 24682
Posted by Montresor 2011 on October 31 2010 at 9:40 PM

Messages in this topic

Montresor, you are in denial with yourself, but tell the truth. We did not like how Leslie Manigat got into power, but he was a good president. Haitians never knew that Manigat could have given them good governance while he became president. He did s > >
New Leadership Haiti, 31-Oct-10 6:41 pm
New Leadership Haiti, Being truthful is a virtue not a right because you have the right to lie or tell the truth as longest people will buy it from you. Yes I Montresor is in denial over all the Haitian candidates’ proclamation to be visionary > >
Montresor 2011, 31-Oct-10 9:40 pm