Montresor, you are in denial with yourself, but tell the...
New Leadership Haiti says...
Montresor, you are in denial with yourself, but tell the truth.
We did not like how Leslie Manigat got into power, but he was a good president.
Haitians never knew that Manigat could have given them good governance while he became president.
He did so by hiring a good team to further the Haitian cause and Jean-Claude Paul made him lose the presidency through that CIA's coup d'etats.
The international community credited his governance and Mirelande was the best political adviser on Manigat's side to restore sanity and decency after the CNG. Ertha was a good president and she had given to Haiti one of the most credible elections that promoted Aristide into power.
As a former Lavalas member, I should give credit to her although I stayed away 7 months from Aristide's regime in 1991. Aristide loved and continues to love and support the poor, but he did not know how to further the causes of the poor. Whether you have a socialistic revolution or not this globalized world will not not allow anyone to make the rich become poorer.
Under the Club of Rome, G8, and G20 countries you must forget and give up to that idea ok Montresor.
We need to have another approach, the rich of Haiti needs people with new democratic vision, good governance and leadership to further the Haitian causes.
Don't you see that the most favorite candidates such as Mirelande and Baker promise to reinstaure the Haitian army to secure the interests of the rich in Haiti and decolonize Haiti as well. Montresor, do you understand Haitian Politics 101?
You need to learn ok. It is time to put our sexism aside as being too patriarchal in our mode of governance of Haiti.
We should promote a strong woman that has the vision and leadership to end coup d'etats in Haiti.
Don't you see that the Third World Countries are electing women to end coup d'etats.
Why not Haiti and give me a strong reason for that?
Mirelande Manigat will be the next leader of Haiti whether you may like it or not. She is already the next president of Haiti.
She will be a great asset to Haiti and she has the capabilities and the know how to move Haiti forward.
She will be the next president of Haiti.
The international community is tired of coup d'etats against black Haitian male presidents in Haiti and the choice will between the two light skinned candidates, but Mirelande is the most preferred one. I like her and she will be the next president of Haiti.
Put aside your sexist attitude, and you must know it for now a good and qualified woman candidate is a plus and blessing for Haiti as well...
The topic is: Bush and Bill Clinton In Haiti's Politics By Toulimen
This is a reply to Msg 24680
Posted by New Leadership Haiti on October 31 2010 at 6:41 PM