Toulimen, I been around the Haitian military, politians, rich...
Montresor 2011 says...
I been around the Haitian military, politians, rich, and the poor, I also been around others such as voudo, Catholics, Christians etc.
I was around St Jean Bosco if you can think about it for a moment.
Your quotes about those visionary leaders are lies and I am sure everyone in Haiti and in the Diasporas knows that as well so please tell us what we haven't know yet from Manigat, Baker, and the haitian elites etc.
"Two former presidents were good and they were Ertha Trouillot and Manigat.
They had political and economic agenda and along with their vision to move Haiti forward..."
The Haitian elites will some day become the poor elites if they refuse to let go of Haiti to move forward and they financial powers will also cease and decease without a doubt; remember nothing on this earth is forever there's always judgment day and the Passover is not over yet says the Lord of Hosts.
Haiti will be free and financially free to benefits, rich, poor and all Haitians.
God bless!
The topic is: Bush and Bill Clinton In Haiti's Politics By Toulimen
This is a reply to Msg 24679
Posted by Montresor 2011 on October 31 2010 at 5:26 PM