Who will get your votes to be President of Haiti in this election

Vision To Lead Or Not says...

What is going to happen an Haitian President if all donations are cutoff?

What will Preval do if all aids/donations are cutoff?

What will the next President do if all aids/donations are cutoff?

What will the Haitian people do if all aids/donations are cutoff?

What will you do for your country if all aids and donations are cutoff?

Who will or should be Haiti's next President?

Who will you support after considering all the facts above?

Posted by Vision To Lead Or Not on October 2 2010 at 7:28 PM

Messages in this topic

I would support Baker because HE would know what to do. BaKer tap bat dlo pou li fe beurre juskaske li change sitiation on. Baker tap aide libere pense nou, fotifie nou pou nou pa jam mande blan deyo lagen yo anko. Baker tap aide nou travay pou tet > >
Marcy Paul, 3-Oct-10 9:31 am