the sufferig haitian

Rudy Tavernier says...

It's my understanding that moneys that have been promised for the rebuilding / reconstruction of Haiti is still being held up in the U.S. Congress.

with all due respect Mr president, what has and what can you and your administration do about providing adequate shelter, water and food to the citizens of your country displaced and living on the streets of the city. How many more lives must be lost because of rain and floodings before positive and decisive action is taken.You sir, have an obligation and a responsibilty to reach out to these people that are suffering to ensure their well being.

the moneys that have been disbursed thus far, for God sake, use it wisely for the betterment of the citizens and the country.

Thank you.

Posted by Rudy Tavernier on October 2 2010 at 7:09 PM