A Coup-d'Etat is NEVER a good thing
Adhbriz says...
Mr. Patriyot,
I used to read some good, sound analyses from you of the political situation in Haiti.
Today, i could not believe my eyes, i was shocked to read from you that "I do not agree that a (sic)democracticly elected government that is functioning in a dictatorial manner should be allowed to complete its term.
Second of all, Aristide did not get his second mandate democraticly, he annihilated any opposition by scaring them.".
Unbelievable, i will take for granted that you know how much chaos a coup-d'etat can cause in a society.
You know what we went through the past two years.
If i understand you well, if you disagree with a President, in his way of conducting the nation's business, you will not mind ousting him from power before the end of his term.
How democratic of you!
You're faulting the President for being undemocratic, by backing up a coup-d'etat.
Then, a coup-d'etat must be a democratic move, right.
How could you save democracy by being undemocratic, by applying undemocratic methods?
This is beyond me.
Coming from you, i was shocked and deceived.
I would just give you the benefit of the doubt that you forgot to take your medicine today.
The topic is: What Is The Ideal Form Of Government For Haiti?
This is a reply to Msg 241
Posted by Adhbriz on August 17 2006 at 11:25 AM