You mean think, and be like you. "NO, THANK YOU". I like me...

Josy says...

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You mean think, and be like you. "NO, THANK YOU".

I like me, and have my own mind. God did not create all of us to look, be, think, and act the same. You have different races, personalities, skills, and talents.

I will continue to speak my mind, and this is one of the reasons why I chose to live in The United States of America.

I am free here, and do not have to worry about you, and your cronies to come to my house in the middle of the night to kill me. You would probably find out where I live, and kidnap me or my family members.

You are responsible for the misery in Haiti, because you exiled the intellectuals or kill them. You have now barbarians who are raping kids, sacrificing them to Satan, and destroying lives.

You should respect others' opinions, and you do not have to agree with it. I do not give a "rat ass" about what you think, and am proud to be "ME".

I am an original, and there are no others like me. I love "ME", and my head is properly screwed on my neck. It is sad, and despite the fact that you live here you still have your barbarian mentality.

You have not learn anything from the US government, and the way it conduct business.


The topic is: Rene Preval and Dimitri Acra, Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 24117
Posted by Josy on September 12 2010 at 6:19 PM

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You mean think, and be like you. "NO, THANK YOU". I like me, and have my own mind. God did not create all of us to look, be, think, and act the same. You have different races, personalities, skills, and talents. I will continue to speak my min > >
Josy, 12-Sep-10 6:19 pm
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