RE: Scientology trying to move into Haiti I just had to...
Pete says...
RE: Scientology trying to move into Haiti
I just had to respond to this in RED!
This is such a silly fabrication.
I know who I am and I know what Scientology is. I was one of the evil beings who helped put together the trip and went to Haiti.
Just so you know, I'm going to critique your blog.
You claim to know who your are and in the next sentence proclaim yourself "evil", now I'm guessing this was meant to be a tongue in cheek remark, it can however be read differently.
In scientology there is an end phenomena to a certain process which reads, "I now know what I am not and am ready find out what I am", so have you completed that level?
As it is the highest level in scientology and states you know who you are not, I'm mystified as to how you can claim to know who you are because by your own doctrines quite clearly you don't find that out until OT IX and X, and possibly further into the trap/maze.
And I am going again.
It is good that you want to help the people of Haiti.
Excuse me for trying to do something about it but I'll happy to see the people helped by the simple technology of the mind called Dianetics, or the study technology of Scientology, or the common sense morals informations contained in the book called The Way to Happiness.
Dianetics is not and never was a technology of the mind. If it was it would have been validated by the world's experts in that field.
The results of Dianetics are not uniform and are very subjective, like taking drugs for pleasure.
"At Saint Hill, Hubbard released his "Study Technology." He began with the premise that no one teaches people how to study.
Korzybski had argued that it is crucial to fully understand every word in a text, and that there is a physiological response to misunderstood words.
Hubbard adopted these ideas, without mention of their source.
He dubbed the misunderstood word an "m.u." (mis-understood).
Hubbard emphasized the necessity of studying "on a gradient." It is important to base study on a completely understood idea, and to proceed from one fully comprehended idea to the next. A student should progress with no gaps in his understanding.
In a school system, this process would mean that a child would need to do first year chemistry to a 100 percent pass, before moving on to second year chemistry.
Hubbard also asserted that much failure in study is due to an "absence of mass." Where possible the student should come to grips with what he is studying.
So an engineer should have a good look at construction materials and real bridges, rather than spending all of his time studying books explaining the chemical makeup of materials, and structural mathematics.
Abstractions should be represented by the student through drawing, or with plasticine models (called "clay demos").
Through these a sequence of actions could be demonstrated, and so more thoroughly grasped.
Typically, there has been no proper scientific evaluation of the effectiveness of Hubbard's Study Tech, but pupils of the several Scientology children's schools do not display astonishing aptitude; indeed they seem to perform below the educational average in some cases."
From "A Piece of Blue Sky" by Jon Atack.
As regards the WTH booklet.
"The Way to Happiness is a book written by Hubbard and they introduce it like this on their own homepage on the net:
"The world has a tremendous, and sometimes frighteningly realized, potential for violence and crime.
Yet it also has a less-publicized and sometimes less-realized potential for honesty and trust.
To enhance and promote this more desirable and survival potential, we have L. Ron Hubbard's The Way To Happiness, the first moral code that EVERYONE can agree upon, regardless of cultural or religious background, as it is based purely on common sense."
What Co$ didn't count on was that anybody would check up on this story about the Defense Minister, but I just did!!!
I called the Ministry of Defense yesterday and talked to Runar Todok who is acting press contact for the Ministry.
I told him about the article and he asked me to fax it to him. I immediately faxed the front page of the newspaper, the actual article and I threw in a copy of the Xemu leaflet as well. ;)
Within short time he called me back, he had already talked to Jorgen Kosmo, the Norwegian Defense Minister, about my fax.
I'll quote from the article here and add comments based on the information I got from Runar Todok:
"In October, Norwegian HPRO [Honorary Public Relations Officer] Dan Viggo Bergtun visited his country's Defense Minister, Mr. Jorgen Kosmo, to present The Way to Happiness to him and show its value in improving society.
Mr. Kosmo instantly grasped its potential."
They did meet, that's about all that's true. The Defense Minister remembered being introduced to this person and he politely listened to him presenting his case. In no way did he "grasp its potential".
"His promise to read the book thoroughly and to report back to Dan Viggo was faithfully kept."
That's a lie! Kosmo never did read the book and he never Reported back to Dan Viggo.
Maybe "grasping its potential" was exactly what he did when he tossed it away though..."
I believe one of the precepts is "Do Not Lie."
Bad conditions in Haiti don't just happen.
They are created by bad people.
Oh Shi! Bad people! So let's get this straight, SPs cause natural disasters?
But conditions can be changed.
It starts with an individual.
Ok, I can agree with you here.
If they become a little more hopeful or brighter or confident, as they always do when they find out about and use the information, then only the insane will be bothered by it.
Ah, I see what you did there.
You are trying to get people used to the idea that SPs cause all the Earth's woes and are insane, but you have a technology of the mind, so cure them!
People will look and think for themselves.
That's cool, why don't you do that?
Try thinking a thought with no hubbardese?
If they learn and use information they might become smarter and more able. Certain types of people don't like this. They view people getting better and stronger as a threat and feel the need to attack the subject and hold down the people changing for the better.
That is hubbardese, sorry.
There is no real threat but they feel this way anyway.
Yes, the world is full of Martians and FBI agents, etc., and so on and so forth.
Actually don't you think wRong was just a little paranoid?
IRS, CIA, FBI, NKVD, WMHO, Interpol, British government, French goverment, Portuguese goverment, to name but a few of his imaginary enemies.
They are the type of person who is never happy and wishes others to fail and attackes good people and good subjects.
You made a typo there, oops sorry for attacking your literacy level.
They work to undermine people and things.
Yes, of course, "THEY" do. Well come on, who are THEY?
We surely are sorry we went to Haiti and helped thousands of people.
Oh the sarcasm! Ouch!
To make up for it we are going to do it again and on a larger scale.
So that's what the boxes of wRong's books are. Food, clothing, shelter, and a damn good read before bed.
You just read a reply to Msg 13710
Posted by Mike Campbell on 4/3/09 9:03 PM
The topic is: Scientology trying to move into Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 13878
Posted by Pete on September 10 2010 at 10:00 AM