Toulimen your comment was sexist and ridiculous. I have no...

James says...

Toulimen your comment was sexist and ridiculous.

I have no problem with women in politics or any other leadership positions in society but women can be just as devious and corrupt.

I agree we should promote women to leadership positions but it shouldn't be because we believe women are more honest than men because such belief is false.

We should promote women for the sake of equality.

You gave an example of the first Haitian female president and how she organized clean and honest election.

I'm sure the election was clean and honest not because of Ertha's gender but because of her honorable character.

I am intrigued by your suggestion of Mirlande as president and Baker as prime minister but aside from teaching and leading a feeble political party what are her credentials can she deal with the notoriously stubborn Haitian parliament.

Can she rein in the Haitian elite and negotiate with the international community successfully?

Most of all, why oh why did she give up her winning seat in the senate in 06, was it pressure from her husband?

I would say the same thing for Baker.

I hear he's a businessman and that's where the trail ends. I need more info on the man.

I'm not too enthusiastic about any of the candidates none seem really capable of dealing with the problems we face.

The topic is: Haiti's Elections Will Be A Deja Vu
This is a reply to Msg 24068
Posted by James on September 7 2010 at 3:50 PM

Messages in this topic

Toulimen your comment was sexist and ridiculous. I have no problem with women in politics or any other leadership positions in society but women can be just as devious and corrupt. I agree we should promote women to leadership positions but it sh > >
James, 7-Sep-10 3:50 pm
It is pleasing to read from someone who is asking the questions in lieu of pontificating as to who should be the president of such a devastated country as Haiti basing merely on visceral reactions or class politics. While remarkable individuals can b > >
Ti Bonite, 8-Sep-10 10:25 am
Mirelande Manigat has enough experience as one of the closest advisors of her former husband president to lead Haiti in the days ahead. Manigat's government was a good one and we had nothing to reproach him unless his solidarity with deceased Colone > >
Toulimen, 9-Sep-10 11:29 pm
Toulimen, Haiti said not to vote personalities any more so therefore I should and will be Haiti’s next President in 2011. would you think? First Presidential Debates in Hait > >
Montresor 2011, 11-Sep-10 11:16 pm