The Minister stated correctly that Aristide was the first...

Aidawedo says...

The Minister stated correctly that Aristide was the first popularly elected president of Haiti (by a 67% percent majority).

For those sitting at the back of the class, he means Aristide was elected by a wider margin than any other president of Haiti.

Is that all you got?

Got any more "distortions" you wanna share?

What you've written is just a rant if you haven't supplied facts to back up your assertions.


so you're providing evidence to damn WyClef Jean are you?

Isn't he on your side?

Why are you throwing WyClef under the bus?

What do you have to gain?

Is WyClef not taking your calls, Mr. Lucas?

By the way, isn't the International Republican Institute (IRI) finding you useful anymore?

I guess opportunities to betray your country don't come along but once. After all, once the people you betray know who you are and that you are for sale, your usefulness to your handlers must decrease pretty dramatically.

The topic is: Zili Danto Prominent Aristidiens Distort Haiti’s History for Personal Gain?
This is a reply to Msg 23845
Posted by Aidawedo on August 24 2010 at 12:25 PM

Messages in this topic

The Minister stated correctly that Aristide was the first popularly elected president of Haiti (by a 67% percent majority). For those sitting at the back of the class, he means Aristide was elected by a wider margin than any other president of Haiti. > >
Aidawedo, 24-Aug-10 12:25 pm