Montresor 2011 Vision Beyond Imagination For A New Haiti

"When preparation meets with timing opportunity excels"


- I will introduce an all new commercial economic funding system that will generate $10-20 billion dollars within the first two years of my administration.

- One payroll, import and export tax system.

- One income tax return with tax rebates designed to help all Haitians prosper regardless of class.

- One integrated social ID/driver's license card.
- Improve Haiti's customs for imports and exports.

- Provide equal opportunity jobs for all Haitian citizens so that they will stay and prosper at home.
- Open our country to investors and manufacturers, thus providing jobs for Haitians.

- Establish benefit programs for all Haitians including orphans, and those with handicaps and those in unfortunate situations.

- Introduce standard humanitarian sanitation systems with priority given to providing clean, pure water.

- Install better communications (telephone and high speed internet systems) initiated by first providing electricity to the Haitian citizens.

- Attract lending institutions and financial businesses to our country.

- Improve public and private transportation and agronomy productivity.

- Form new programs that attraction tourism for Haiti that will boost Nationalism.

- I will work hard with the international communities to reduce Haiti's national debt.


- To provide health care to all Haitian citizens worldwide within their motherland--even those born outside Haiti are welcome.

- To establish and guarantee security to all Haitian citizens.

- To establish and guarantee equal opportunity housing to all citizens.

- To train teachers and develop an all new public school system, thereby guaranteeing equal education to all citizens.

- To train more protection agencies who will understand and respect all Haitian citizens' rights and freedoms equally.

- To rebuild our forest and tropical fruit trees.

- Last but not least, to rebuild Haiti's road and under planning commercial/residential constructions.

Haiti get ready for the best is yet to come! I'll see you in 2011 God Bless!

Haiti remains the least-developed country in the Western Hemisphere and one of the poorest in the world.

Comparative social and economic indicators show Haiti is falling behind other low-income developing countries (particularly in the hemisphere) since the 1980s.

Haiti now ranks 150th of 175 countries in the UN's Human Development Index.

Haiti's economic stagnation is the result of earlier inappropriate economic plans, political instability, a shortage of good arable land, environmental deterioration, continued reliance on traditional technologies, under-capitalization and lack of public investment in human resources, migration of large portions of the skilled population, a weak national savings rate, and the lack of a functioning funding system to run the government.

Area: 27,750 sq. km. (10,714 sq. mi.); about the size of Maryland.

Ile de la Gonave and Ile de la Tortue comprise Haiti's principal offshore territories.

Cities: Capital--Port-au-Prince (pop. 2 million).

Other cities--Cap Haitien (pop. 600,000).

Terrain: Rugged mountains with small coastal plains and river valleys, and a large east-central elevated plateau.

Climate: Warm, semiarid, high humidity in many coastal areas.

Nationality: Haitien
Population (2001 est.): 8.1 million.

Annual population growth rate: 1975-2001, 1.9%; 2000-2015 (est.): 1.3%.

Ethnic groups: African descent 95%, African and European descent 5%.

Religions: Roman Catholic 80%, Protestant 16%, voudou (voodoo) practices pervasive.

Languages: French (official), Creole (official).

Education: Years compulsory--6. Adult literacy (2001 est.)-50.8%.

Health: Infant mortality rate--79/1000.

Life expectancy--49.1 yrs.

Type: Republic.

Independence: January 1,1804.

Constitution: March 1987.
Branches: Executive--President.

Legislative--Senate (27 Seats), Chamber of Deputies (83 seats).

Judicial--Court of Cassation.

Administrative subdivisions: Nine departments (a law creating a 10th department, approved by Parliament and signed by then-President Aristide, was awaiting publication to become law in November 2003).

Political parties and coalitions: Fanmi Lavalas (FL), Struggling People's Organization (OPL), Open the Gate Party (PLB), Christian Movement for a New Haiti (MOCHRENHA), Democratic Consultation Group (ESPACE), Popular Solidarity Alliance (ESKANP), several others.

The Democratic Convergence is a coalition of most leading opposition parties formed to protest the results of May 2000 legislative and local elections.

Suffrage: Universal at 18.

GDP (FY 2002): $3.5 billion.

Real GDP growth rate (FY 2002): -0.9%.

Per capita GNP (FY 2002): $425.
GDP by sector (2002): Agriculture--27%; industry--14%; services--52%; indirect and import taxes--7%.

Inflation (2002 CPI yearly): 14.8%.

Natural resources: Bauxite, copper, calcium carbonate, gold, marble.

Agriculture (27% of GDP): Products--coffee, mangoes, sugarcane, rice, corn, cacao, sorghum, pulses, other fruits and vegetables.

Industry (15.5% of GDP): Types--apparel, handicrafts, electronics assembly, food processing, beverages, tobacco products, furniture, printing, chemicals, steel.

Services (52% of GDP): Commerce, government, tourism.

Trade (2002): Total exports f.o.b.--$248 million: apparel, mangoes, leather and raw hides, seafood, electrical.

Major market--U.S. ($244 million).

Imports--$870 million c.i.f. From U.S. $674 million-- grains, soybean oil, motor vehicles, machinery, meat, vegetables, plastics, petroleum.

Note: There are serious problems with national accounts in Haiti, including incomplete coverage and the questionable accuracy of data.
Haiti's debt to international financial institutions and foreign governments has grown from $302 million in 1980 to $1.134 billion today.

About 40 percent of this debt stems from loans to the brutal Duvalier dictators, who invested little of it in our country.

Supporting Montresor for President in 2011 means you are a good steward of Haiti's future.

Contact Us: montresor2011 at

Posted by Montresor 2011 on August 10 2010 at 12:58 PM