"My Palce is collapsed"

Henry Labreviere says...

"My Palce is collapsed"

The topic is: Claire Lydie Parent mayor of Petionville
This is a reply to Msg 19220
Posted by Henry Labreviere on July 28 2010 at 9:05 AM

Messages in this topic

Franchement, comment un Haitien en Haiti or where ever he or she is can believe that Lydie Parent ka antre nan vye konpwomi sa yo. Mezanmi, aprann respekte MOUN tande e aprann listwa nou. Sa ka dekouraje anpil moun travay. Kouman wmoun pral imajine L > >
Rebecca Guillaume, 22-Apr-10 6:02 am
boul shate she is an husband thief > >
Gigi, 15-May-10 10:45 pm
Do your mother knows that she is a thief. When a woman thiefs the man of another woman with magie, she can be accused. She is a liar. Tell her to give the man back to his wife and his to children, too stop magie. She is a crual woman, an immoarl woma > >
Titi, 23-May-10 11:00 pm
Li pran mari moun ak magie, sa se two piti bagay pou li fe. Bri ap kouri ke se li f > >
Melodie, 23-May-10 11:17 pm
Gigi, I don't care how many husbands she steals as long as she helps Haiti and the Haitian people. > >
Linda, 26-May-10 1:51 pm
"My Palce is collapsed" > >
Henry Labreviere, 28-Jul-10 9:05 am
C'est tres malhonete de votre part car Claire Lydie Parent est une personne tre honnete et vos accusations sont injustifiees. Lydie sait comment bien gerer la mairie de Petionville et cela lui a value une reputation credible au milieu des bourgeois > >
Jean Camille Leblanc, 25-Nov-10 4:04 pm