a response to your comment

Mark says...

I agree with some of the things you said, though i would like to point out that the legislative body is not at all responsible for the security of Haiti.

That responsibility lies on the government and the Head of State which is Preval.

Instead of an army we should have something like the National guard their job would be to protect the border and patrol the sea and help the population in times of a disasters.

And we shouldn't require young people to enlist.

The whole process should be voluntary.

In most developed and stable countries around the world a military force is not responsible for providing security to civilians, its job is to protect the country for foreign foes. Mr. Preval has suggested the creation of a Gendarmerie.

I think that is a great idea. All we need is a gendarmerie who is highly trained and well-eqquipped to help the police force in providing security for the population

The topic is: For a better Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 2331
Posted by Mark on June 25 2007 at 10:28 PM

Messages in this topic

I agree with some of the things you said, though i would like to point out that the legislative body is not at all responsible for the security of Haiti. That responsibility lies on the government and the Head of State which is Preval. Instead of a > >
Mark, 25-Jun-07 10:28 pm