Do gives thinks for life

How u doing mr. preval?

Pleople say that you are a servant of god,...

a blessing from above.

I bealeve that God is with us Mr Preval.

I bealeve you are a savior that will breing good to the kingdom of God of Haiti..

(Mont.Zion)and that all is people will be free from nental chains in the amagedon so that all is poor peole shell no longer suffer.

I would love to trod-in, in to your kingdom with a righeous mine.Mr.Preval.

I love Haiti, it is a holy country.Mr.Preval.I heard that God the prophete leaves."Glory to his name the almighty".I think you know this jahjah of haiti, just like a samba.

I hope that you be strong Mr Preval my bless friend, to reunite pure and clean to keep moving faster.Jah rastafareight will be with you.In time all the black kings will be reunited.

I know the wicked wont'rule this samba.

Theirs no other like him.Mr preval.

I know Jah of haiti will soon come home and will promise to never waitnest Mt.Zion failure.Please!!! promise me that you will take care Jah pleople.

I have faith in you Mr.Preval.