Man you have a serious communications problem. You simply...

Ti Julien says...

Man you have a serious communications problem.

You simply cannot express yourself.

Do you expect people to decode what you are trying to tell them. You have the nerve to call yourself a writer and author.

You are an embarrassment to yourself.

The topic is: send preval to africa
This is a reply to Msg 22925
Posted by Ti Julien on July 8 2010 at 10:16 PM

Messages in this topic

If Preval needs a girl younger than 35 years old, he would then need to take his viagra first. Maybe then, he will do. Can you people, please grow up! There are far more important things in life than sex. That is why we are the least productive peo > >
Mena Moreau, 8-Jul-10 9:01 pm
Wyclef Jean and Diaspora Haitians Leader Can’t Tell The True Publicly About U.S.vs Haiti > >
Jean Pe, 8-Jul-10 9:32 pm
Man you have a serious communications problem. You simply cannot express yourself. Do you expect people to decode what you are trying to tell them. You have the nerve to call yourself a writer and author. You are an embarrassment to yourself. > >
Ti Julien, 8-Jul-10 10:16 pm
Mena you are too old to be on Preval short list. According to a top secret source that we cannot reveals for security reasons, your number on the list is: 8,987,752. Sorry go look for Jean Claude Duvalier iy you have "folly fem president" > >
Cathy Saintulus, 8-Jul-10 10:32 pm
Jean Claude is still younger than Preval. Yes, I would much prefer to stick with Jean Claude. Thanks. Answer to your questions, Presidents are not on my short list of desirable men for they are all crooks with sticky fingers. > >
Mena Moreau, 8-Jul-10 11:03 pm
This is accusation. You don't have proof they steals. You are repeating after other.BTW I am available. > >
Richard, 8-Jul-10 11:10 pm