Tiba you inadvertently include the letter 'C" among the...
Dr. Feel Bad says...
Tiba you inadvertently include the letter 'C" among the letters the Haitian language does not use. I am pretty sure that it was a typo from you. Since you failed to catch up with it, I am listing a partial list of the word that start with a "C" in the Ayityen language.
I am doing some research on the Ayityen language.
I will publish it within two or three weeks.
chabon, chachacha,chadek, chagren,chaj, chak,charlatan, chale, chalimo, cham,chaman, chamo,chan mayetik, chanday,chanje, chanjman,chanm, chanpay,chans, chante,chantey, chanpantye,chape, chanpel,chapit, chaple,chapo, chase,chasi, chat,chatiman, chato,chatwouj, chawa,chay, che,cheche, chef,chefseksyon, chefdeta,chek, cheke,chemen, chemine,chemiz, chemizet,chen, cheni,chenn, chenpanze,cheri, cherif,cheve,,chevret, chevwon,chez, chif,chik, chike,chiklet, chimerik,chimi, chin,chinwa, chita,cho, chodye,chofay, chofe,chofi, chok,chokola,,chomaj, chome,choson, chou,choublak, choukoun,,chovsouri, choupet,cheri, chwa,chwal, chwazi,chyen, coco,
Dr. Feel Bad
Self appointed psychiatrist in chief on Preval blog
Self appointed Linguist in chef on Preval blog
The topic is: Haitians do not speak french
This is a reply to Msg 22811
Posted by Dr. Feel Bad on July 3 2010 at 3:53 AM