Well I see your argument but did you not know that those other...

Ralph says...

Well I see your argument but did you not know that those other countries that do speak creole does not use it for business commerce or across borders to interact.

So what i "guess" the Haitian government and its people should do is adapt the already French this is widely use to do commerce and formally be the official language of the land as it was in the past. By all means if you strongly feel for a jargon to be spoken in Haiti also, let it be creole but please spell correctly.

I feel that Haitians have something against the French language and its formality.

We need to regulate where and when creole is to be spoken and French also. I think that as a whole French is the language of choice for commerce and education and also to govern with. Because by using creole its like reinventing the wheel and sending us further back in time where we should be heading forward.

FACTS, aren't there a million more stuff readily available writing in French as appose to creole.

also I HATE with a passion when I know look at music, when it use to be called compa and we can not unity with such simplicity, where I see conpa Kompa Compa...The problem lies in the mentally of the people and the lack of unifiable thoughts among us Haitians.

I have when Haitians talk about white this white that, America this America that. What about where the true problems lie....THE PEOPLE OF HAITI, which includes the GOVERNMENT OF HAITI and its lack of progress with time. GROW UP people blame yourselves for what has happened to your country.

I blame myself for not going out there and educate the young.

But what good is education if the ones you are educating completely block the act of being influenced positively

The topic is: French should not be official
This is a reply to Msg 22792
Posted by Ralph on July 1 2010 at 2:54 PM

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Ralph, It seems to me you rely too much on the Americans to form your opinion. You need to be a free thinker. Haitians cannot, shoudl not, and must not think like Americans, or live like them, nor speak the langauge that we think they want us to s > >
Tiba, 1-Jul-10 2:29 pm
Well I see your argument but did you not know that those other countries that do speak creole does not use it for business commerce or across borders to interact. So what i "guess" the Haitian government and its people should do is adapt the alrea > >
Ralph, 1-Jul-10 2:54 pm
Ralph, I thing I understand somewhat the argument you're trying to make. From what you're trying to say and I agree, Creole is NOT a written language and until Creole becomes a written language, you want to have French as the language used in bu > >
Tiba, 1-Jul-10 4:42 pm
are you Haitian? what do you mean "i think Haiti" should be taken by da french? is this sick mentality of blacks who always feel like they will be better if the white men take over. why don't people just worship white folks instead of cause all ra > >
Toni, 1-Jul-10 8:04 pm
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