Linda, It is annoying when someone is using your name and use...
Marjorie Middy says...
Linda, It is annoying when someone is using your name and use your own words on top of it. But hang in there, girl! this blog needs serious writers like you.
Marjorie Middy
The topic is: THE NAKED TRUTH
This is a reply to Msg 22710
Posted by Marjorie Middy on June 27 2010 at 1:46 PM
Messages in this topic
Hi Linda, why have you been away from this blog for four consecutive months? What happened to you? What is or are the reason(s)? This is my business and everyone business on this blog. Have you been abdicated by UFO?; Have you been kidnapped by FlatB > >
Curious George, 26-Jun-10 11:09 pm
Linda, It is annoying when someone is using your name and use your own words on top of it. But hang in there, girl! this blog needs serious writers like you. Marjorie Middy > >
Marjorie Middy, 27-Jun-10 1:46 pm
Linda, my beloved, We have been going through this a million times already. This is a reflection of Woodrings' incompetence and mediocrity at best. If Woodrings knew anything about IT at all with any trace of competence, he would have solved t > >
Tiba, 27-Jun-10 2:57 pm
The proof is usually in the pudding.Proof is lacking on her case. WP²+macoute=x > >
Azra, 27-Jun-10 3:02 pm
Tiba, I am only responding to you; so anything else on this site is not mine. Woodring sold this site last year. That's all I wanted to tell you. I don't want to write anything else on this site because there's a level that I cannot sink to, and t > >
Linda, 27-Jun-10 4:08 pm
Thanks for the kind words Marjorie. I think you are a better person then I am. I see the low and nasty level of discourse going on against people like you who really care, and I know that you are a better person than I am for hanging in there. Please > >
Linda, 27-Jun-10 4:17 pm
No reply will be the best policy for you. "No back talk." Your days of bullying people in High School with your gang or click just for the fun of it are over. You are not that important as you think you are. Put some water in your wine. Curb your g > >
Bully Control Task Force, 27-Jun-10 5:49 pm
Linda, Let's hope you changed your mind. We love you, Marcy Paul > >
Marcy Paul, 27-Jun-10 10:56 pm
I always enjoyed your blogs. You cut right to the matter. Can you reconsider coming back please? I know you did not blog for awhile. I thought you were on vacation. Sincerely, Mena > >
Mena Moreau, 28-Jun-10 7:36 pm
Bernadette, I always enjoyed your blogs. You cut right to the matter. Can you reconsider coming back please? I know you did not blog for awhile. I thought you were on vacation. Sincerely, Mena Moreau > >
Mena Moreau, 28-Jun-10 7:45 pm