How real is real? I have known many Linda all of them appears...

Deep Think-eer Eer says...

How real is real?

I have known many Linda all of them appears real to me. Don't you think that you should pay for the name Linda because your parents stole that name from some one initially that used to have that name a few hundred years ago.Thus, The original family that first came up with the name Linda should be paid for the name for every new born and in your case an old born that carry the name of Linda.

As absurd, stupid or foolish this may sound to you, This was done to make a point about central issue of intellectual property.

The concept of intellectual property at its best hamper progress, it is selfish and capitalistic in nature.

Monkeying around, copying,imitating has been a natural phenomenon of civilization and progress.

Without it, we will not have the alphabet, the numbers, the words, the languages, the the books, the wheel, the transportation, the trains, the automobiles, the airplanes, the boat, the wireless, the computer and modern technology.

Action taken on Linda case: You or your family don't have to pay no monies for the name of Linda.

The topic is: The real Linda
This is a reply to Msg 22712
Posted by Deep Think-eer Eer on June 26 2010 at 11:51 PM

Messages in this topic

How real is real? I have known many Linda all of them appears real to me. Don't you think that you should pay for the name Linda because your parents stole that name from some one initially that used to have that name a few hundred years ago.Thus, T > >
Deep Think-eer Eer, 26-Jun-10 11:51 pm
According to you, intellectual property should be "stolen"! Ha! what a supreme idiot you are! Your argument for stealing someone’s intellectual property is baseless! I can tell... you are a "thief"...Can someone use the name "Linda"? of course, > >
Ti Jan Danto, 27-Jun-10 1:10 pm
You are a worthless person with a macoutic deportment. > >
Ugly, 27-Jun-10 1:31 pm