Stanley, vous avez le courage de prouver qu'Aristide etait un...
Ralph says...
Stanley, vous avez le courage de prouver qu'Aristide etait un menteur.
Aristide et autre leaders sont responsables des malheurs d'Haiti.
Y aura t'il de l'espoir pour ce pays tant avili par Aristide et autres?
Un Tsunami viendra bientot et des Haitiens mourront en grand nombre.
Il viendra bien sur...
The topic is: Qui est Stanley Lucas ?
This is a reply to Msg 22364
Posted by Ralph on June 22 2010 at 9:13 PM
Messages in this topic
I do understand where you are coming from, Fanm Lakay. The problem is we are not trying to deal with Aristide anymore. He is from the past. Whatever Jean Bertrand Aristide has done is in the past. We are trying to deal with the present. I do understa > >
Bernadette S, 6-Jun-10 8:15 pm
You are Aristide secret agent. If you continues pretending that you are against Aristide,I will publish your past involvement with Aristide starting with Joseph. > >
Tele Diol, 6-Jun-10 8:33 pm
Go taking care of your banana frillo with an urologist before you talking about politic. Your woman is complaining about your inability to stand up despite your massive uses of viagra. Do yourself a favor,call this number:800-828-7866 > >
Baal, 6-Jun-10 8:33 pm
Bullshit! talk real or DO NOT TALKK ON THIS BLOG! Time and money are precious. There is no time for asswhole like you to attack dignified people.Drop dead, ignorant bastard! > >
John Deleney, 6-Jun-10 8:46 pm
Bastards, grow up! before I have your ass grilled. Nobody cares about Aristide. Why are you bringing that son of a bitch up? What the hell is wrong with you? He is dead on the political agenda. Do not you know that? Wake up and smell the coffee. It > >
Brian G., 6-Jun-10 8:55 pm
To the multiple personalities person known as Brian G. is aka John Deleney,aka Marcy Paul,aka... Aristide has been your superior. You will never reach not even 10% of his intellectual might. Next time you refers to him, make sure that you paid him h > >
Baal, 6-Jun-10 9:22 pm
We will deal with him and all the political leaders in exile. Bernadette, whether you like it or not they will be back all in Haiti. No more exile for any Haiti's son or daughter under my administration. We are all guilty about Haitian politics and > >
Ibo. B. Fulani, 6-Jun-10 10:01 pm
You are all Lavalassiens, macoutes, Zenglendistes, Duvalieristes, Jean-Claudistes, Namphyistes, Cedrasistes, Avrilistes, Manigatistes, Bazinistes, Aristidiens and Prevalistes, but you are not Haitians. It is time for ending political partisanship in > >
Martin, 6-Jun-10 10:11 pm
Remove the word Lavalasse and Aristidien from your parasitic list. Lavalasseien and Aristidiens are true Haitian patriots. > >
Gomier, 7-Jun-10 12:41 am
Stanley, vous avez le courage de prouver qu'Aristide etait un menteur. Aristide et autre leaders sont responsables des malheurs d'Haiti. Y aura t'il de l'espoir pour ce pays tant avili par Aristide et autres? Un Tsunami viendra bientot et des Hai > >
Ralph, 22-Jun-10 9:13 pm