Message of Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a/k/a The C.R.J. To the Haitian People

Lavaud Desmoulins says...

To The Haitian People:
If My Great God did really believe The Haitian People were all ZOMBIE, he would have gotten all "exterminated" even before the word "Haitian" existed.

But he omitted that opportunity because he believed he did absolutely created the Haitians- like all other people on Earth- differently to the "ZANNIMO".

If the Haitians are taking pleasure comfortably in presenting themselves as ZANNIMO, ZOMBIE, or BEAST, then my Great God is going to believe the land of Haiti is not compatible to purification.

Lavaud Hold Desmoulins, a/k/a The C.R.J.
The Great King is Coming

Posted by Lavaud Desmoulins on June 16 2010 at 11:31 AM