We have to change our way of doing things

A says...

Hey Guy, I don't think the president of Haiti, Mr. Rene Preval, is a liar.
He's a decent man, Haitian 100%, he likes arts and culture, he drinks his local liquor, he speaks a more or less decent French, but his creole is what he likes.

I believe he loves this country from the bottom of his heart.

He's the only one of the last century who has not ordered the murder of anyone.

But he has one problem: Aristide, the man who brought him to the public.

We have to give support to him not to the chimeres who pretended they elected him just for the sake of Aristide's return.

Violence brings violence
And the cycle goes on forever
We have to stop it somehow
Let's stop the chimeres now
And deal with the other crooks
The "gwo palto" untouchables of
The so-called fake and stupid bourgeoise who love their money and the land but hate the people who live in the land.
That's why they want them to kill each other, they give them no work; they let them starve, they are fine in their sanctuaries.

One thing I know is that this is non-sense because they are already ahead economicly and intelectually, they should give power to the people with schooling and work; in other words, make those people who allowed those syro-libanese they are in happy.

Cant we do it?

Yes we can

Posted by A on August 1 2006 at 12:15 AM

Messages in this topic

Where are G. Simon, [Adhebiz, Observer keen,... all the same person], Anonymous, etc,]? Come on guys! We need to keep this site alive. Invite more people to visit and to blug, just throw your opinion(s) and someone will read it and react. We have > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 1-Aug-06 10:41 pm
Mr. Ayisyen Patriyot, I will always take umbrage to the fact that you are implying that "the chimeres "are the only armed group responsible for the violence. Then, if that's the case, what do you do with: the kidnappers (of all kinds), the > >
Adhbriz, 3-Aug-06 3:36 pm
Mr. Ayisyen Patriyot, I will always take umbrage to the fact that you are implying that "the chimeres "are the only armed group responsible for the violence. Then, if that's the case, what do you do with: the kidnappers (of all kinds), the > >
Adhbriz, 3-Aug-06 3:37 pm
Dear Adhbriz, Frankly, I have lost touch with the situation on the terrain. When I say 'Chime", I include not only the Aristide's die hard followers, but also all those who take advantage of the situation to plunge our country into more and more des > >
Ayisyen Patriyot, 3-Aug-06 10:40 pm