Preval Pardon Child-Abducting Missionaries, A Cheap Ploy

Bernard Valcourt says...

In retrospect, I find it utterly repulsive the way-oh so predictable the haitian judicial apparatus handled the child-abducting missionaries incident.And no instances will ever persuade me that Preval was neither uninvolved or unaware of the likely outcome of-first arresting and making a media-mockery trial that ran all over CNN, then finding them guilty and in an about-face, release them with a hand-slap warning.

In the meantime, all sort of rumors roaming and none unsjustifiably, that Preval used this as political brokerage and that the American charge d'affaire saw this as a way to prone and reinforce the "stray-jacket" intervention in Haiti, portraying the government as weak, corrupt and untrustworthy.

Media-wise, this is a savvy way to disapprove Preval.

Like president Tonton Nord" or "Soulouque" before him,,Preval went along with the script, aloof and disengaged.

As the head of state, he ought to know better: That his actions or inactions thereof will undoubtedly have irremedial effects and repercussions on the country prestige and sovereignty as a whole.

Posted by Bernard Valcourt on June 12 2010 at 3:10 AM