Yes I think Montresor is, and I also thank many people doesn't...

Tell Us The Truth says...

Yes I think Montresor is, and I also thank many people doesn't like him for the high moral value and integrity to bring change in Haiti.

I believe one day Haiti will wakeup to Honor him for standing up against these "atoufe"

wi mezanmi nou dwe bay Haiti yon chance sispan decourage moun kivle fe pou nou eki se yon nan pitit pep la.

The topic is: Parliaments Special Interest at Its Worst by Montresor 2011
This is a reply to Msg 22096
Posted by Tell Us The Truth on May 21 2010 at 1:36 PM

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Yes I think Montresor is, and I also thank many people doesn't like him for the high moral value and integrity to bring change in Haiti. I believe one day Haiti will wakeup to Honor him for standing up against these "atoufe" wi mezanmi nou dw > >
Tell Us The Truth, 21-May-10 1:36 pm
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