Antonioj you're absolutely right, "Sir."(Montresor) doesn't...

Montresor 2011 says...

Antonioj you're absolutely right,

"Sir."(Montresor) doesn't have to be Haiti's President in just labeling title as Preval and the previous ones you've mentioned in order to help, educate, defends the Haitian people because our nation of Haiti is in great need of a "take charge" Commander in-Chief with such Caliber Signature presented by Montresor's excellent work ethic.

Perhaps you Haitians will assure my worthiness of your support, prayers, and votes.

I Montresor am proud to be part of Haitians Flag circle, this 18 Mai 2010 and for such a historic time of Haiti's "L' Union Fait La Force."

God Bless!

Haiti One Nation, Under God in 2011

Happy Flag Day everyone from my family to yours!!!

Montresor Haiti's next President.

Montresor2011 at

The topic is: Parliaments Special Interest at Its Worst by Montresor 2011
This is a reply to Msg 22038
Posted by Montresor 2011 on May 18 2010 at 12:42 PM

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Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! you are my hero, God bless you. It has been said the Rev.was alone in the fight. The Rev. is with you 100% It is time for Haitians to realize their dreams. One of the Great presidents said," I am not too smart, but I know how to > >
Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine, 16-May-10 6:35 pm
Antonioj you’re absolutely right, “Sir.”(Montresor) doesn’t have to be Haiti’s President in just labeling title as Preval and the previous ones you’ve mentioned in order to help, educate, defends the Haitian people because our nation of... > >
Montresor 2011, 18-May-10 12:42 pm
I like you attitude reverend Montresor and specially your work ethic, what we need right now is less candidate, we need instead to form a common front to defeat the worst President in Haitian History, I am warning all Haitian, let Preval run thru his > >
Antonioj, 18-May-10 1:22 pm
Mon cher Tresor je te l'ai deja dis une fois, qu'en depis de ton courage et ta bonne volonte de servir ton pays, il y a un obstacle que tu neglige. La loi mere du pays nous dit que pour etre president il faut vivre en Haiti les cinq dernieres annee > >
Robert Patrick Toussaint, 18-May-10 5:53 pm
Montresor2011, Can you please tell us, as a presidential candidate, when was the last time you were in Haiti since you declared your candidacy for president in Haiti? How many trips have you made to Haiti since the earthquake? If you did go to Hai > >
Tiba, 19-May-10 8:53 am
RE: Parliaments Special Interest at Its Worst by Montresor 2011 Tiba, Who is the dumb and stupid if not you? We need to know which side you Tiba’s on? Rene Preval, Parliament officials, Haiti/Haitian people. I’ve been coming on this s > >
Tell Us The Truth, 20-May-10 1:08 pm
I would agree I read Mr Montresor website,he sound like a man with high moral value and integrity that is what we have been lacking in your recent president > >
Antonioj, 20-May-10 2:34 pm
Tiba, Don't be arrogant or I will send you to Dr. fil bad for an IQ Check. This is what you said to the blogers: "I do realize none of that mean anything to any of you because when someone is incompetent and mediocre, it is impossible for that > >
Monique V, 20-May-10 4:38 pm
I wonder why Haitians always want to support the individuals with the lowest level of intellect to govern them. It is so sad to see that any individual would support a candidate for president who is not even able to hold a civil conversation about an > >
Linda, 20-May-10 5:38 pm
You can support Montresor all you want. This is your personal opinion but do not harass us if we see Montresor differently. Montresor does not have the capacity nor the intellect to be the newly elected president of Haiti. Montresor does not even hav > >
Marcy Paul, 20-May-10 9:07 pm
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