All Clergy should stay out of politic like "Musicien Palais...
Gama Ray says...
All Clergy should stay out of politic like "Musicien Palais" otherwise they are fair play. Reverends cannot expect to attack and disrespect our politicians and expect to be treated like saints.
It is a two way street.
Besides, how many divisions this or those Reverends has or have?
May be they have a division of mendiants/beggars.
[ Mes, Tes, Ses, Nos, Voleurs.
While their clueless congregation are fasting to save money to bring to those fat cats, those cats managed to have sumptuous meals at fancy restaurants, they extend their collection of mistresses, they bought expensive cars, they bought expensive suits and houses and send their kids to expensive schools while their congregation mange "la vache enragee".
Double check those cats, investigates them and you will discover this sad and bitter truth and I hope it is not too late. They have the old ladies turn their properties to them with the complicity of some crooked lawyers and Real Estates
The topic is: Jean-Claude Duvalier Le Prochain President d'Haiti
This is a reply to Msg 22032
Posted by Gama Ray on May 17 2010 at 2:04 AM
Messages in this topic
Il prend un frere et une soeur qui travaille durement pour aider la societe Haitienne. Vous parlez d'or, J' apprecie votre sagesse et comprehenssion,alors on est entrain de batir un orphelinat, une ecole primaire, High school, College like in USA,
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Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine, 16-May-10 2:05 pm
Non monsieur, votre web site est mort nee a cause des jupes et vos autres extravagances. Au lieu de gaspiller votre temps a critiquer Preval qui vous depasse positivement des milliers de coudes,Je vous coseillerai d'aller ramasser les bouteilles vid
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Gama Ray, 17-May-10 1:23 am
All Clergy should stay out of politic like "Musicien Palais" otherwise they are fair play. Reverends cannot expect to attack and disrespect our politicians and expect to be treated like saints. It is a two way street. Besides, how many divisions th
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Gama Ray, 17-May-10 2:04 am
Why are you so furious, biter, and anger about the Rev.? He does not say anything to cause you to be so enraged, telling your president is well by- passed him. What is that meant for your proud of nothing because he is president and you may be one hi
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Jc, 17-May-10 1:34 pm
The bloggers reaction can be confusing out of context. What you need to know is that people are reacting to church and state doing business as one. They are also reacting to past anger and frustrations from Ex-president Jean-Bertrand Aristide who was
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Brian, 17-May-10 7:41 pm
Reponse a J.C Quand le Reverend veut brosser ses dents, qu'il se garde de servir comme son brosse a dent le non de Preval et d'Aristide. Ces deux homes lui depassent des centaine de millions de coudes. Ils ont accomplits ce que ce "loser" ne pou
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Gama Ray, 17-May-10 9:42 pm
Correction regarding the website Reponse a J.C Quand le Reverend veut brosser ses dents, qu'il se garde de servir comme son brosse a dent le non de Preval et d'Aristide. Ces deux homes lui depassent des centaine de millions de coudes. Ils o
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Gama Ray, 17-May-10 9:52 pm
The world feels bad for a poor soul like you. You talked about a job for the Rev. Now, you did not know about the President past-job. Only in a third world country people have time to fight over education and non sense president with IQ who does not
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Jc, 18-May-10 11:32 am
Les NATIONS UNIS ne peuvent pas remplacer la CONSTITUTION HAITIENNE qui veut que pour etre president vous devez vivre pendant les cinq dernieres d'avant les elections dans le pays. Alors pas question, et l'ex-president Duvalier le sait bien. La de
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Robert Patrick Toussaint, 18-May-10 11:33 am
You are two person in one: Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine and JC.That show how coward and petit you are. If you don't want to hear from me,stop your vitriolic calumnies on your superiors such as Aristide and Preval.Voyou,san Zave and professional parasite,
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Gama Ray, 18-May-10 10:35 pm