Sir, if you have problem with your President, that's your...

Serge Desrameaux says...

Sir, if you have problem with your President, that's your problem.

Remember, Preval has been elected democraticly for five years, you need to wait for the end of his term, February 7,2011.

However, February 7 to May, only three months, we don't need any other President than Preval.

That, to avoid spend too much time and money.

Maintenant, vous et vos partisans, nous vous attendons tous aux urnes.J'aime mon Pays, j'aime mon President, j'aime mon peuple et Je vous aime aussi.

Vous parlez du "tafia",boire du tafia n'est rien, quelquefois ca bon pour la sante.Une seule chose il faut eviter l'exces, parce que l'exces en tout nuit.Pour moi, je n'ai jamais bu du tafia.

Mon tafia est ma bible et l'amour pour mon peuple qui souffre.

Je fais des sacrifices pour acquerir une bonne connaissance a l'exterieur pour aider la jeunesse de mon peuple qui est l'avenir du pays.
Je vous invite a vous resaisir pour ne pas repeter n'importe quoi. Je vous invite a relire mon premier text et vous ferez une autre analyze.

Que pensez vous de l'argent de la reconstruction du pays?

Qui doit gerer cette somme?

Qui voulez vous a la place de Preval apres son mandat?

Ti fre, Preval p'ap fe won-n pot, pas avant la fin de son mandat.

I thank you so much for your understanding.

Take care your self and your partisan.

Vive Jesus, Vive Preval, Vive Haiti, Vive you, my friend.

The topic is: Kenbe fe-m.
This is a reply to Msg 21999
Posted by Serge Desrameaux on May 14 2010 at 3:04 PM

Messages in this topic

Serge Desrameaux, You have got to be on crack, and if not, whatever you are on it's a powerful sh8t, and you need to get off of it. Contradictory! contradictory! contradictory! too much contradiction in your post. Think before you write so yo > >
Tiba, 14-May-10 12:10 pm
Sir, if you have problem with your President, that's your problem. Remember, Preval has been elected democraticly for five years,you need to wait for the end of his term, February 7,2011. However, February 7 to May, only three months, we don't need > >
Serge Desrameaux, 14-May-10 3:04 pm
Hi Tiba, I was absent and Went to pray for safety and security of my people. What a clever mind do you have? Many people would like your last point that Every Haitian Citizen may wish to become president or Prime Minister of their country. For them w > >
Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine, 14-May-10 5:19 pm
Serge Desrameaux, You need to understand this very important concept "incompetence and mediocrity" breath incompetence and mediocrity. However, it your rights to choose to like and admire Preval just because your heart dictates you to, but not b > >
Tiba, 15-May-10 7:46 am