Here we go again, I don't really care what they are thinking...
Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine says...
Here we go again, I don't really care what they are thinking about the ideas of people created in the image of God. However, you are someone God has eyes upon to lead and sustain other in the strugle.
I don't know what is your nationality, and I am not looking for that; but one thing I do believe is that you are a true humanist and communicate the message effectively.
They are always think of been smart by intimidation, it is no more, it is just a matter of time. If there are people like you who continuously put the pressure on, we are not so far of what they don't want to see for us.
What we need is unity in the eyes of the enemies and true fraternity and motivation not let our brothers or sisters down. If any one don't know about Haitian history power or black man power it is the greatest mistake.
Even the fouding founders said: "If Haitian knew how to read and to write, they would put the world in trouble." for God sake and that is in the 1700 when all blacks were denied priamry education.
So what do think again in this 2010?
Long live the Democratic Republic of Haiti, Long live the Heros of the Independence of 1804. History shall be studied in both sides of the isle for a better understanding.
The topic is: Eradicate Hypocrisy. I am a Chritian Revolutionary
This is a reply to Msg 21915
Posted by Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine on May 11 2010 at 3:50 PM
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"......But Haitian peple are the most smart brain in the world" Oh quelle sottise! C'est la parole d'un haitien typique qui se fait toujours d'illusion que le monde le prend au serieux. Cessez de faire de la demagogie! C’est qui fait que vot
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Kiki, 10-May-10 11:36 pm
C'est vraiment celestial destin, je suis fier d'etre Ce que Je suis, celui ou celle qui nie son existence n'est que l' esclave de son colon de couleur. Le monde ne prend personne au serieux sans avoir fait des experiences que les forces haitienne
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Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine, 11-May-10 10:37 am
J'ai bien vous remercir de ce grand souhait! Il me vient a l' esprit de rediger a votre sentiment spirituel comme je le suis aussi. Franchement, je n'ai pas aucune idee politique, ni ambition de pouvoir, ce que j'aie, c'est l'esprit de Jesus Ch
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Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine, 11-May-10 11:03 am
Kiki, There is an old Haitian saying that goes like this "Haitiens sont des roseaux. Ils se penchent/se courbent mais ils ne briseront pas." You can insult Haitian people all you want to but that will not keep them down. English is not Rev. D
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Tiba, 11-May-10 3:04 pm
Here we go again, I don't really care what they are thinking about the ideas of people created in the image of God. However, you are someone God has eyes upon to lead and sustain other in the strugle. I don't know what is your nationality, and I am
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Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine, 11-May-10 3:50 pm
Vous etes vraiment un demagogue; vous vous croyez deja president. Vous semblez entrain de delirer. Votre pays est comme il est parce que des gens comme vous n'ayant rien dans la tete, arrive a etre president parce qu'il peut dire quelques mots fra
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Kiki, 11-May-10 4:23 pm
Oh Mr. Tiba! I had so much time without hearing about you. It was a pleasure to read you this time.
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Kiki, 11-May-10 4:34 pm
kiki, This is the very last time I would ever answer to you stupidity, idiotic, ignorant, brainless post. You keep accusing Rev. Dr. Rivel wanting to be president of Haiti, but there is nowhere he ever mentioned that in any of his posts. Are yo
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Tiba, 11-May-10 4:41 pm
Those links are very informative for clergy related crimes.Check them out.They are only known crimes committed by the world clergy which is the tip of the iceberg.
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Alfred, 11-May-10 4:55 pm
Pourquoi ce negatif chez les la pluspart des gens de pre-intentioner l'idee d'un homme choisi par Dieu sans avoir recu de lui une ample detaille? La pensee est loin d' etre justifiee, au contraire la langue francaise n'est pas la mienne! Je pense
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Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine, 11-May-10 5:23 pm
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