Mr. Pimp, 1.Prostitution is illegal in the States. Drug...

Marcy Paul says...

Mr. Pimp,
1.Prostitution is illegal in the States.

Drug dealing can buy you a lifetime jail sentence.

Are you sure that is what you want to do?

I understand you have experience but someday, your luck might just run out...

2. How can you cry social injustice when you can't respect others?

Marcy Paul

The topic is: Montresor 2011 Addresses the 2010 Presidential Election.
This is a reply to Msg 21877
Posted by Marcy Paul on May 10 2010 at 11:23 PM

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Bernadette is nothing like your mother. She can't be a whore. You yourself sound like a male prostitute. You are probably envious of Bernadette's classic beauty.... Brian G > >
Brian, 10-May-10 10:26 am
Nobody called her that word. You are the first one that used this word about her,shame on you.I stand by my writing. She misread my initial blog and draw her whimsical conclusion about it.Is it a way to convince herself that she is still young? I can > >
Lalane, 10-May-10 6:49 pm
Where is Dr. Feel Bad? You truly have a problem with women. From your writing, you sound like an uneducated bum. I have read your original message to Bernadette. Yes, You did infer to something quite similar. You don't even understand the word "cla > >
Brian, 10-May-10 8:07 pm
You are a pimp and a drug dealer seeking young women for your business. You will be investigated. Marcy Paul > >
Marcy Paul, 10-May-10 8:34 pm
JOLIBOIS, Now, I get it! You became too old for for male prostitution. So, pimping and drug dealing are your new gig, w o w!! Is Montresor your lover, partner in crime, or both? Adams > >
Adams Montenegro, 10-May-10 9:10 pm
To:Adams Montenegro, => "Now, I get it! You became too old for for male prostitution. So, pimping and drug dealing are your new gig, w o w!! Is Montresor your lover, partner in crime, or both?" Adams We rece > >
Lalane, 10-May-10 10:26 pm
To: Marcy Paul " You are a pimp and a drug dealer seeking young women for your business. You will be investigated." Marcy Paul. Your above statement is clearly incongruous to my previous blog.Therefore, I should investigate you for such inf > >
Lalane, 10-May-10 10:47 pm
Old man, Just answer the questions, will you? Make sure you pay your phone bill because I will give you a call to teach you how to treat women with respect. Haitian people got nothing to do with this. It is YOU that I do not like. You are old and > >
Adams Montenegro, 10-May-10 11:01 pm
To:Brian: "Where is Dr. Feel Bad? You truly have a problem with women. From your writing, you sound like an uneducated bum. I have read your original message to Bernadette. Yes, You did infer to something quite similar. You don't even unders > >
Lalane, 10-May-10 11:11 pm
Mr. Pimp, 1.Prostitution is illegal in the States. Drug dealing can buy you a lifetime jail sentence. Are you sure that is what you want to do? I understand you have experience but someday, your luck might just run out... 2. How can you cry s > >
Marcy Paul, 10-May-10 11:23 pm
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