An aid proposal for Haiti

Charles C Ihejirika says...

Your Excellency,
I had made earlier attempts to reach You or Your aides to discuss the above subject without much luck.
Shortly after the earthquake incidents in your country, I started making inquirries on how the government of my country Nigeria can contribute substantially towards the reconstruction of Haiti infrastructures affected by the earthquake.

I did find out that it is possible for a country in need of aids to beneffit through direct assignment of Crude Oil allocation from which there shall be revenue inflow through commisions accruable to the assignee.

As it is usually operated the country in need of this sort of aid should express their interest by applying officially to the Federal Government of Nigeria who in turn considers the request and approve or decline to assign such allocation.

The appliying country should also nominate an agent within or outside the shores of Nigeria to facilitate the processes.

I strongly beleive that Haiti has every reason to apply for this favour from the Nigerian Government bearing in mind the present situation of things in Your country.

Since Your country has no embassy nor high commission in Nigeria, it should be advisable for You to transact this process through the embassy/high commission of any country You consider as a close ally of Haiti or even rellevant organs of the United Nations.

I am aware of the presence of embassies of USA, Cuba and Jamaica in Nigeria (Abuja).

If you require further information on this issue you can contact Nigerian embassies in the above mentioned countries or try to reach the Nigerian President (Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan) directly.

He was sworne in as President on the 6th of May 2010 after the death of the former president.

With Your Excellency's permision, I shall be willing to help in any way I can to make furher inquiries and push on this subject which has huge potentials of alleviating the sufferings of Haitians as it stands.

Accept the assurances of my highest regards.

Yours sincerely,

Charles C. Ihejirika
+234 80347 11166 or +234 8023 646463

Posted by Charles C Ihejirika on May 10 2010 at 9:51 AM

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Another Nigerian letter where do I send my money?? Preval is Dumb and stupid he never approved a deal from investors that wanted to invest 50 billions to transform La Gonave as a tourist heaven, yes the Haitian gov would have been a partner. ht > >
Antonioj, 10-May-10 10:47 am
We do not need to develop any parts of Haiti for exotic tourism ok Antonio. All Haiti's parts should be developed to help Haitians first and not tourists. Do you have a good project for others to invest instead of tourism? Tourism will bring more di > >
Jean-bas, 10-May-10 5:18 pm
Antonioj, To tell you the truth, I am glad that the government is taking its time with this LaGonave project. I am not going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this proposition, but I want you and everyone else to take a good look at t > >
Pimanbouk, 10-May-10 5:19 pm
Hi Mr. Antonio, I might agree with you to some extent but excuse me as I disaprove of your language in referrence to the President of Haiti. Moreover, I wonder what you mean by 'another Nigerian letter'. If you have doubts about my suggestion pl > >
Charles C Ihejirika, 11-May-10 3:08 am
Charles C Ihejirika, I admire your effort to help Haiti, but you are really wasting your time. First and foremost, if you really want to help Haiti in that endavor, you need to contact the Haitian embassy in Washington DC. directly which in turn c > >
Tiba, 11-May-10 7:39 pm
No,NO,No, Tiba everything you said about Preval are lies. I will not allow anyone on this blog to perpetrate such boldly lies on Preval.You have no respect for yourself and more so for Haiti. You know what, I am going to fix that nonsense. > >
Marx Dejoie, 11-May-10 7:57 pm
Sir, I do appreciate your good intention towards Haiti. It seems like this matter is on a case-to-case basis and of course on availability. I kindly suggest that you write a letter to president Preval with copies to pertinent players, perhaps to th > >
Bernadette S, 11-May-10 10:59 pm
Hi Benardette, I never claimed to be in possession of documents referrring to such transactions. I don't work with the President's office nor the National Petroleum Corporation. Once again my message was very clear. If the Haiti Governement of Pre > >
Charles C Ihejirika, 13-May-10 3:06 am
Now, I do realize that you are understanding what is going in our country. You are very deep in the subject matter. > >
Jc, 13-May-10 11:22 am
Hey Charles, I am sorry for the misunderstanding. It was very much understood that you do not work for your president's office. But sending a massage to president Preval on this blog may very well be like sending a message in a bottle at throwing i > >
Bernadette S, 13-May-10 4:53 pm
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