This is a very good idea. Have you ever tried ""...

Bernadette S says...

This is a very good idea. Have you ever tried "".

They have tons of jobs available in Haiti right now. Perhaps you could suggest to them to make those jobs available on this site. Great!!.

Personally I am up to my neck with my own business.

I can not make a move at this present.

Later who knows!.

If you are serious with the micro loan, use your money as "seed" money and try to match it with a bank that would give you a much better loan for your venture.

Good luck!
Bernadette S.

The topic is: We need qualified professionals now
This is a reply to Msg 21655
Posted by Bernadette S on April 28 2010 at 9:53 PM

Messages in this topic

This is a very good idea. Have you ever tried "". They have tons of jobs available in Haiti right now. Perhaps you could suggest to them to make those jobs available on this site. Great!!. Personally I am up to my neck with my own busines > >
Bernadette S, 28-Apr-10 9:53 pm
Original message: This is a very good idea. Have you ever tried "". They have tons of jobs available in Haiti right now. Perhaps you could suggest to them to make those jobs available on this site. Great!!. Personally I am up to my neck wi > >
Ayisyenpatriyot, 29-Apr-10 9:18 pm
Hold your horses and calm down! People think before you get on a plane bound to Haiti in search of your dream job that is going to make you rich in 3 months so you can finally buy that villa you so desire in Florida or in Spain. It is no doubt > >
Tiba, 30-Apr-10 8:10 am
Original message:" Hold your horses and calm down! People think before you get on a plane bound to Haiti in search of your dream job that is going to make you rich in 3 months so you can finally buy that villa you so desire in Florida or in Spain. I > >
Ayisyenpatriyot, 30-Apr-10 2:12 pm