Montresor 2011 Budgetary Set at 2.5 Million Dollar.
Montresor 2011 says...
Dear Patriots and Friends,
After years of preparation and strong commitments I (Montresor) is ready for the revolution to take place within us Haitians.
Yes I am in the middle of an intense planning for the 2011 show down in Haiti because changes are inevitable to start anew. Will you help me (Montresor) make things happen at this point of time in Haiti's history?
Haiti is counting on us for answers.
Can I count on you, too?
The Rene G. Preval government with its elite (s) isn't the answers in solving Haiti's mountainous problems nor is the foreign interests.
Let us root out the old mindset of poverty in leadership because everyday with the "same old same old" in power is a life time of miseries, bad decisions for our country's men and women.
Brothers & Sisters, Sons & Daughters to be frank, Haiti needs your help and it needs it fast so don't setback and hope for others to fix her (Haiti) for us, we need to take action right now in order to assured change in Haitian society.
I need the international people (Diasporas) to contribute 2.5 million dollars to my presidential campaign by May 18, 2010. This will empower me to settle some campaign debts and enabling us to do much more tasking prior to 2011.
"A job well prepared is half way done"
Remember excellence and quality cost and I (Montresor) is all about producing with excellence.
Montresor2011 at
Don't let I (Montresor) carries the weights alone, I need your helping hands to move forward as planned and I hope to hear from you soon for any help right now is better than zero...
Supporting Montresor for President is to stop the horrible living conditions in Haiti.
Thank you so much for your generosity! You've been a source of strength for my campaign, and it's a great comfort to know that I have your support.
I am in agreement with you for God to bless you by giving back to you in every aspect of your life.
Sincerely yours,
Montresor A La Presidence
God Bless!
Send Check or money order payable to:
Michael M. Delasse
P. O. Box 345
Sand Springs Ok 74063
Posted by Montresor 2011 on April 28 2010 at 6:42 PM