Why most people in the Haitian government and outside the...
Voice Of Reason. says...
Why most people in the Haitian government and outside the governmental show extravaganza and are thirsty for luxuries.
As soon they get a governmental job, they buy expensive clothes, expensive cars, expensive houses while their families, relatives,friends and associates are living in abject poverty.
They neglect or abandon their blacks skin spouses or girl friends to seek company with light skin women at any cost or extravaganza for those light skin women.
Those light skin women states that they use those black men as a ladder to reach their height and destination.
When they reach their point they push down the ladder with their foot-- meaning the black men.
Most of those black men are a bunch of hypocrites and thieves because they claims that they want to help the people but the reality is, they use their position to enrich themselves.
Their material possession speaks eloquently of their so called desire to help the nation.The Haitian salary does not pay enough to allow anyone to afford those expensive stuff.
All those people should have wears the same uniform like Mao Tsetung did for china in the 60's. All those people should be using modest means of transportation like they did in china in the 60's or lives in modest houses.
Every new government carry those corrupted click of parasites.
Haiti should have maximum jail for corrupted people.
The Middle East people are not the whole problem open your eyes and your mind and you will discover the reality is stranger than fiction.
The topic is: 1957-1971: Brown Skinned Elite From The Middle East Got Duvalier's Blessing
This is a reply to Msg 21252
Posted by Voice Of Reason. on April 12 2010 at 12:15 AM