Doremi Fasolla, First and foremost, it would be a false...

Tiba says...

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Doremi Fasolla,

First and foremost, it would be a false perception to believe that every mulatto (yellow cayote) or every white person in Haiti is rich and loaded with money, not true at all.

Although my use of words regarding the elite/bourgeois/the rich in Haiti may be harsh with even a dehumanized quonatation, but I want you and everyone else to know that I am not for or against any class in Haiti nor that I hate or like any of them either.

With that being said, I am not that naive, blind, dumb, and stupid to pretend that this segment of the Haitian society has been supportive of/and helpful to Haiti either.

The bourgeois/elite/rich class of Haiti is made up of only 5% of Haiti's population, and we all know that, but unfortunately this class which holds and controls the entire Haiti's wealth is 75% responsible of Haiti's down fall.

When you keep taking out of a country and you are not investing back into the country, after awhile the country will start to deplitate.

Like I mentioned before the elite class was behind every single coup d'etat that took place in Haiti in order to benefit them.

The elite class in Haiti is the most selfish, non-caring, unconscious, heartless, and the most arrogant in the world.

These people can care less whether the entire country of Haiti sinks down the bottom of the ocean floor or survives the earthquake.

Of course, the dark skin Haitians and the Haitian poor are also responsible of their country's down fall. That's what I mentioned in my last message.

The dark skin Haitians and the Haitian poor do help the scum elite to get rich due to the inferiority complex and the slave mentality.

The elite has the resources, the means, the influence to develop Haiti and make Haiti a vibrant country of the 21st century if they wanted to, but refuse categorically to contribute anything to the country.

To answer your questions, yes, the elite is the road block of Haiti's progress, and yes, the elite is 75% responsible of Haiti's down fall. They intentionally and maliciously brought Haiti down to her knees.

You mentioned Aristide and others who stole millions of dollars from Haiti, and yes I agree with you, you're absolutely right about that, except that you forgot these people, too, became part of the Haitian elite once the arrived into power.

The topic is: Rene Preval and Dimitri Acra, Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 21216
Posted by Tiba on April 10 2010 at 10:22 PM

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Josy, Sorry for what you and your family had to experience in your own country, Haiti, under the grip of your own government and society. There are thousands of stories like yours to be told. I would advise you to seek counseling to help you to le > >
Tiba, 10-Apr-10 7:31 pm
This is a question for Tiba and Dessalines. You are criticizing the Haitian mulattoes as being responsible for everything that went bad to Haiti. You are portraying the dark skin Haitians as angels. Could you in good conscience and objectively ans > >
Doremi Fasolla, 10-Apr-10 7:54 pm
HAITI will not be the next Middle Eastern spot. NOT UNDER MY WATCH. We fought too damn hard for the past 206 years to let this tragedy happen. Remember, the nouveau riche, although they do have back up from foreign countries, are still foreigners. Th > >
Bernadette S., 10-Apr-10 7:59 pm
First, I doubt that the watch I brought you 10 years ago is still functioning. Stop boasting yourself. You remember that I was broke that Wednesday August 2009 despite that I brought you a $5 watch in Manhattan on 34th St near 6th Ave around 04:30 P. > >
Kalico Deubos, 10-Apr-10 9:34 pm
I do understand your nationalism, but ask yourself if Haitians are serious enough to prevent Al-Qaeda from taking over Haiti when those crook elites are paving the way for other sad human tragedies to occur there. From Zenglendos to Kidnappers and wh > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 10-Apr-10 9:58 pm
Doremi Fasolla, First and foremost, it would be a false perception to believe that every mulatto (yellow cayote) or every white person in Haiti is rich and loaded with money, not true at all. Although my use of words regarding the elite/bourgeo > >
Tiba, 10-Apr-10 10:22 pm
You are a vicious,treacherous and dangerous man.You are using Francois Duvalier tactics to engulf this failing state in deeper confusion. Muslims concepts is alien to the Haitian Culture. Haitian are bon viveurs and are very coward.They are not fanat > >
Ali Bacchaas, 10-Apr-10 10:36 pm
I am not quite sure what watch you are referring to. To start with I don't even wear one. It was metaphorical.. Second:Take a little more time to READ the post. It says: Haitian Constitution (meaning national law). That was an observation from the > >
Bernadete S., 10-Apr-10 11:31 pm
The Spanish and your grand parents the French killed the Indians anyway. Since you are a little mulatto woman,you are a byproduct or either French or Hispanic or a combination of both mixed with the Africans. Now my ancestors are from the Middle East > >
Calicos Deubos, 11-Apr-10 2:40 am
Annibal P, 11-Apr-10 3:53 am
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