Your ideas are on target and understood. Unfortunately...

Bernadete S. says...

Your ideas are on target and understood.

Unfortunately, Haitian people are not listening, right now, they are analog thinkers.

It may take useless social uprisings to understand that uprooting economic evils start from bottom up not the other way around.

Haiti may have to sink even lower than today to understand this principle.

By then we may be occupied by foreign nations.

It will be a very hard pill to swallow...


The topic is: THE NAKED TRUTH
This is a reply to Msg 21182
Posted by Bernadete S. on April 10 2010 at 4:03 PM

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Can we ask international countries for a temporary stay for the homeless? That in turn create time to take care of the aftermath. > >
Gille, 9-Apr-10 10:08 am
HAITI must be the only country that let its private sector take care of every aspects of the country. No wonder corruption multiplied. > >
Marie Janty, 9-Apr-10 10:25 am
I couldn't agree more with this post. It is extremely unrealistic and unfair to expect one class of people to prop up the rest of the country. Even if that could happen, that type of change would never last anyway and any real progress in Haiti woul > >
Ali, 9-Apr-10 10:55 am
well i guess a comunist haiti would be better were the goverment handels everything > >
Fico4u, 9-Apr-10 1:41 pm
well i guess a comunist haiti would be better were the goverment handels everything > >
Fico4u, 9-Apr-10 1:46 pm
We are on to something with these bloggers. Why should one small minority group of people be responsible for the rest of the country. It is a bit too simplistic to play the blame game. Haiti's problems are very complex for one group to be responsibl > >
Marcy Paul, 9-Apr-10 3:41 pm
As I said this morning, Haitians must come together to find a solution to its problems. ALL Haitians must get involve to solve Haiti's problems. My blog from this morning was removed. I don't know why. > >
Gille, 9-Apr-10 3:55 pm
Your ideas are on target and understood. Unfortunately, Haitian people are not listening, right now, they are analog thinkers. It may take useless social uprisings to understand that uprooting economic evils start from bottom up not the other way aro > >
Bernadete S., 10-Apr-10 4:03 pm
It is better to be occupied by foreign nations than being colonized by those lazy Haitian elites. Lazy elites can produce subhuman people. Haitians will have to steal, lie and kill others at all times for the years to come. Slavery will never end for > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 10-Apr-10 5:19 pm
I don't think US and CANADA ARE STUPID ENOUGH to clean up, invest and rebuild that country to give it back to these Maniacs again, just like that > >
Thomas Valcin, 10-Apr-10 5:56 pm
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