We cannot blame the Acra, the Mourra, Saliba, Bigio,etc for...

Doremi Fasollasi says...

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We cannot blame the Acra, the Mourra, Saliba, Bigio,etc for exploiting the poor. They work hard and manage well their monies.

They inherited this money management skill through their parents that were merchants for centuries in the Middle East. They came with no monies but they came with their expertise in business.

The average Haitian spend his monies foolishly in expensive clothing, expensive French perfumes, expensive Italian shoes, expensive jewelries, expensive cars, in entertainment including a constellation of mistresses and will spend his last dime to be seen with a light skin woman as a status symbol.

The end result usually leads to financial ruined person.

The average ghetto person think the same way about new immigrant that came in the US. The average ghetto person spends monies in foolishness such as expensive blue jeans, sneakers, jewelries, electronics devices and entertainments, beauty parlors, red lobster.

I heard that if you give a Dominican n amount of money, the Dominican will manages to multiply the money through business where as the Haitian will spend it fast and continues to beg.
From now on, HOME ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT should be taught in Haiti from "Jardin d'enfants" all way through Post Doctoral level.

Most Haitian cannot manages well. We have to acknowledges this weakness.

The topic is: Rene Preval and Dimitri Acra, Palais National
This is a reply to Msg 21197
Posted by Doremi Fasollasi on April 10 2010 at 5:37 AM

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Please correct your Dimitri Acra. That is Marc Antoine Acra. There is no Dimitri Acra > >
Someone Who Knows, 12-Apr-09 8:25 pm
Who is the third clown? I recognize Preval, and the mulato. Who is the other negro in the middle? They all came to Haiti with zero, and now their children own the country. They think they are better than the dark skin Haitians. I know what I am > >
Josy, 9-Apr-10 11:18 pm
I remember when those crooks specially Mourra, Accra and Saliba's families settled in Haiti and they were called in Haitian Creole this: Aroucha Paka Bwet Nan Do. They came in Haiti with no money and in less than 50 years they became the richest peo > >
Sabine, 10-Apr-10 1:17 am
We cannot blame the Acra, the Mourra, Saliba,Bigio,etc for exploiting the poor. They work hard and manage well their monies. They inherited this money management skill through their parents that were merchants for centuries in the Middle East. They c > >
Doremi Fasollasi, 10-Apr-10 5:37 am
Doremi Fasollasi, BS! if you had a sound understanding between "working hard & stealing/blood sucking practice, you wouldn't never make that anology. The bourgeois/elite/rich class of Haiti does not work hard for their wealth, they steal it b > >
Tiba, 10-Apr-10 7:49 am
Now, you are talking Tiba. I agree at 100% with your reply to that posting. Haitian's economic and political elites never chose political stability for Haiti. They made coup d'etats over and over, but their corrupted administration never changed... > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 10-Apr-10 11:59 am
You are right, and if it is any consolation to you, I, as a light skinned-long hair girl then, always taught the treatment was unfair and damaging to both parties. Ste. Rose de Lima, Sacre Coeur, Ste. Therese de l'Enfant Jesus (Mme Durocher) schools > >
Francoise, 10-Apr-10 3:41 pm
Those Middle Eastern settlers that you are defending now are destroying Haiti in many ways. Saliba and Castera are the biggest importers of tropical crops in Haiti to resell with higher prices whereas Haiti is an agricultural state. How do you call t > >
Dessalines The Avenger, 10-Apr-10 4:18 pm
Man i hate them and i hate the government system in that country, ithink we can do better than that > >
Thomas Valcin, 10-Apr-10 6:00 pm
My father worked like a horse from the age of 14, and had to raise his siblings. His mother died during birth, and his father went MIA after the death. My family was not rich in Haiti, but we were Middle Class. I went to private school, extra curr > >
Josy, 10-Apr-10 6:14 pm
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